Recent comments

  • Looking for friends and support   16 years 11 weeks ago

    KarenK wrote:
    I am also trying fucothin. I don't know if it's helping, it's supposed to take 6 weeks to kick in - we'll see what happens. It is pretty expensive, but was on sale at the local health food store and came with Jordan Rubin's new book. You get a $5 off cupon with your next purchase, so with the sale and the $5 off it wasn't too bad.

    I've been thinking about using Fucothin too. Let me know if you think it's worth it.



  • Looking for friends and support   16 years 11 weeks ago

    Hi Dawn,
    I'm only on week 2 but I've known about some of this for a long time. Have you had your hormones and adrenals checked? The reason I ask is because my adrenals were totally burnt out and I couldn't lose weight no matter how hard I tried. I also had low progesterone and thyroid--and a sugar addiction. The doc told me they were all related. I went on an allergy elimination diet and used progesterone cream prescribed by the doc.

    It took years (self-induced setbacks due to the sugar addiction), but my cortisol levels are finally normal and I'm losing weight. Of course I'm still at the beginning of the diet here, but back in 2004, I couldn't even drop the water weight everyone said would happen the first week (also a different diet).

    Best wishes with you new life. I hope this helps!


    PS: I used to live in the boonies too--Floyd county, VA. I miss it. There was only one traffic light in the entire county. You would think with all the open land it would be easier to get out and get some exercise, but not when there are no sidewalks or curbs. You risk your life going for a walk!

  • Sharing   16 years 11 weeks ago

    This is so exciting! My cortisol levels are back up to a normal range (the last time they were tested was in 2004--it was so low it didn't register for the afternoon test--less than 1!)

    In 2004 I had also tried weight watchers and couldn't lose any weight even though I followed the points system faithfully. I also found myself addicted to the WW fudge bars--not good! I was literally eating a box a day and buying another box so my husband wouldn't know. A true addiction! I came clean and went 'cold turkey.' It wasn't easy (I don't know if this sugar caused the adrenal issue, or if I turned to sugar because of the adrenal issue). Oh-the ALCAT showed a sensitivity to EVERY type of sweeteer they tested. After 6 months, most of the sensitivities disappeared.

    Eating this way, I"ve already dropped weight in the first week. So for those who don't think that this stuff impacts weight loss, I'm living proof! It took me years to get the adrenals normalized because I wasn't eating as healthy as I am now, but perserverance pays off.

    :!: Don't give up!


  • Food Plan   16 years 11 weeks ago

    Cool! I was wondering if I rotated between the varieties if that would help. I'll give it a shot. I also like spinach and kale so that adds to it. I haven't tried some of the others yet. There's so much food I can't eat it all! I'll adjust for week two.


  • Week 1   16 years 11 weeks ago

    That makes sense. I just noticed also in the shopping list for week two. I'll try it out. I need more variety so this is good.


  • Sugar   16 years 11 weeks ago

    I am so sorry for the terrible night's sleep that resulted from a seemingly innocuous is tough to learn the hard way but for many of us that is the way that really sticks and reminds us not to do it again!
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

  • Food Plan   16 years 11 weeks ago

    Because everyone is different, rotating foods is something you will have to do on your own if you are prone to sensitivities. If it's lettuce you are concerned about, just alternated all the different varieties with dark leafy greens- there are so many to choose- and you should be ok
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

  • Week 1   16 years 11 weeks ago

    It was probably listed as an optional raw veggie for snacking. Just peel it slice and eat raw as you would carrots or cucumber- with hummus or another dip.

  • Sugar   16 years 12 weeks ago

    I did something simliar with the exact opposite results. My husband wanted ice cream so I compromized and bought a pint of locally made organic frozen goat yogurt. No homogonized milk, live cultures--not bad right--or so I thought. I'm writing this at 4am--couldn't get to sleep until 1am, so I've had a whopping 3 hours of sleep. :oops:

    The reason I can't sleep? This unexplainable itching of my skin all over my body. One would think it was just dry skin, but I have a humidifier set at 40% humidity in the house. I'm pretty sure it's an allergic reaction to the sugar.

    I had this itchy feeling before but attributed it to the dry Colorado winter. I wasn't itchy the whole time I stayed with the program, but the itchy-ness came back once I put that junk food in my mouth. Ugh! Why do I have to learn the hard way!?

  • Week 1   16 years 12 weeks ago

    I used the menus and shopping list for week one, but now have a jicama still in my fridge. It wasn't in any of the recipes. What do I do with it? How do I prepare it? Also, can you remove it from the shopping list or update the menu recipes to show where it should be used?



  • Food Plan   16 years 12 weeks ago

    My Alcat from 2004 showed a sensitivity to lettuce (it was yellow, so it wasn't a strong sensitivity). On this plan, I'm eating lettuce almost every day--just finished week one. Right now I'm asymptomatic, but in the past I've 'revived' sensitivites by not rotating my diet properly.

    Do we start to rotate the lettuce as the plan progresses or is this something I will need to adjust on my own?


  • Eating At work   16 years 12 weeks ago

    Just wanted to say thank you for your response.

  • Eating At work   16 years 12 weeks ago

    If splitting your lunch in 1/2 and eating the second 1/2 doesn't work at work, you could certainly try having a shake. Anything that allows you to have a balanced mid-afternoon mini-meal (and definitely avoiding the typical afternoon snack of coffee and sweets) is fine.

  • Food Plan   16 years 12 weeks ago

    I bought Mercola's book a couple of years ago and wasn't sure if I was mixed type or carb type. I can safely say that after being on this food plan for only 4 days, I know for certain I am a carb type. The protein makes me feel too full. I can't finish it all. No chance of hunger here! :lol:

  • Not losing weight!   16 years 12 weeks ago

    I would hold off on adding any more supplements (slimming herbs and biothin) right now. Let's try to turn that adrenal situation around a bit first.
    Look for an announcement for the coaching program very soon-maybe later this week!
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

  • Progress ????   16 years 12 weeks ago

    I will try the 3-4 meals a day. I think that will be better for me. I was never a big eater, and even with the mini meals and grazing, I feel I am over eating. I'll give it a go!

    I appreciate your comment about not obsessing over nutritional typing. That will become my mantra! "just eat some protein and fat with meals and eat lots of raw foods and minimize the carbs"

    Yes, my son's wedding is June 1st and I had hoped to feel better about my weight by then. I will let it go. I know the most important thing is to be healthy, and I want this to be for a lifetime. Thank you. Reading your words on this was quite an emotional release for me.

    Also make sure you are increasing your exercise (a combination of some cardio with strength training and stretching) and get to bed by 10 if possible (and sleep at leas.t 8 hours)

    Yes, I know I need to do this. And I will implement it today.

    I have quite a bit of a hard time sleeping and have for over 15 years. No one thought to actually check my adrenals. Come to find out recently that I am in stage 5 bordering on 6 adrenal stress and at midnight (when I should be snoozing) my cortisol level is 15. YIKES! No wonder I have a hard time sleeping! I go to bed typically around 9:00 and when I sleep I get up around 6:00. When I don't, I can be wide awake at 2:00. I am taking supplements to hopefully turn that around and creams that I put on pulse points to guide my body back into normal rhythms. If you need more info, just let me know.

    I appreciate you and all the time you are taking to help all of us!!

    Warm regards,

  • Not losing weight!   16 years 12 weeks ago

    Dr. Winnie Abramson wrote:
    You are doing so many things right and I am so glad you are feeling better.

    Thank you for your encouragement! :)
    I sense your frustration about not seeing the weight loss right away, but your body needs to be healthy to lose weight, not the other way around.

    I also appreciate hearing this-it is what I have been hanging on to and telling myself as well, so you've reaffirmed that for me. I know I will get there.

    On the Armour thyroid: My last blood test was 12/06 and I have since fired my Dr. and he has not been replaced. The last lab results were:

      TSH 0.134 uIU/mL T4 7.9 ug/dL (Throxine, Free)
      T4 1.04 ng/dL (Thyroxine, Free, Direct, S)
      T3 141
  • I was on a dose of 60 mg at the time of this test and I was pretty low at that time. My Dr. bumped me up to the 120 mg. and I have not had another lab. So I am not current on labs and I am not sure I was ever confident that I was being adequately monitored. I "feel" the dose is good, but do not have current labs to verify. I am "Dr.-less", other than a local nutritionist and you all.
    I will make the changes you suggest!

    I think the coaching program will be exactly what I need. I am getting so bombarded with "fixes" right now, that I am uncertain about what to do. And with me not losing weight, I am questioning if I am doing the right things or if I am doing something wrong or missing it all together. Hopefully I will be able to afford the coaching program. I am already putting every extra penny I have into this.

    Should I start taking the BioThin and the Natures Slimming Herbs? I wasn't sure if I should add them to the mix or not.

    Thanks Dr. Winnie :)


  • Progress ????   16 years 12 weeks ago

    Hi Dawn,
    I responded to your other posting too...
    As for your diminished hunger problem, why don't you skip the 6 mini-meals for a few days and see how you do with just 3-4 meals/day. Some people do better with this schedule and maybe you will- just try it. See if you are hungrier for your meals. Don't obsess over the metabolic typing- just eat some protein and fat with your meals and eat lots of raw foods and minimize the carbs. Everything you are doing is great- I sense your body just needs to get healthier before the weight really starts coming off. I know you have a "deadline' (a wedding, I think), but let that go and think about all the time in the future you will have to enjoy your healthier thinner self. Also make sure you are increasing your exercise (a combination of some cardio with strength training and stretching) and get to bed by 10 if possible (and sleep at leas.t 8 hours)
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

  • Raw Honey   16 years 12 weeks ago

    Thank you! This is good information to know!


  • Raw Honey   16 years 12 weeks ago

    Honestly I don't have info on any specific brands, but I think with agave it's important not to buy one that is very inexpensive as these are the ones that are questionable...
    I don't have a source to send you too- a colleague of Dr. Pearsall's who is a raw foods expert passed along the info.
    Again, don't panic about all likelihood the agave you have is just fine.
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

  • Not losing weight!   16 years 12 weeks ago

    You are doing so many things right and I am so glad you are feeling better. I sense your frustration about not seeing the weight loss right away, but your body needs to be healthy to lose weight, not the other way around.
    One thing I would change right now, though, is the dosing of your armour thyroid- you should cut the 120 mg in half and take 1/2 in the morning 20 min before breakfast, and half 20 min before dinner. Chew it before swallowing if possible (I assume you are othewise being monitored to make sure this is the right dose). I'd also like you to increase your intake of raw foods if possible.
    Otherwise, focus on getting your body healthy and then I know the weight will come off.
    I want to mention that soon we will have the coaching program in place for more one-on-one help and I think this will help further refine and clear up any other questions you have, so look for that in the near future.
    In the meantime, though, just be patient and keep working on getting healthy.
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

  • Raw Honey   16 years 12 weeks ago

    I use Madhava Raw pure organic agave nectar and Wholesome Sweeteners Organic Raw Blue Agave. Are either of these in the 'not ok' category?



  • Looking for friends and support   16 years 12 weeks ago

    16 pounds is great! Congratulations! You gotta be smiling about that success!

    I also have over 100 pounds to lose. I know it will take longer than the June 1st goal date I've set to lose that much. So, there will be the "before the wedding goal" and the "after the wedding goal" LOL :). I want to keep the process realistic and healthy. I am not interested in just losing weight, I want to make forever lifestyle changes. It sounds like you are also thinking along those lines. My clothes fit the same as before, btw. That is actually what I am using as my "measure", as I do not own a scale.

    I have not been formally "exercising"-what I have done is to try and step up my daily activities and make them burn more calories for me. I am like you where I have a rough time fitting in an actual workout.

      We are building a house right now (final phase, thank the Lord!) so I make every bit of that effort a work out (we are physically the builders, we are not having it built for us.). I park way out in the parking lots, take stairs rather than elevators, etc.
      I clean my house using a fast pace and lots of movement.
      A lot of my work is sedentary, so I try and break that up with exaggerated movements and brisk walks up and down the hallway
  • I do not have the funds to join a gym, and I usually cannot tolerate Gyms anyway, because of the chlorine in the pools there. I am allergic to chlorine and even react to just the scent of it.

    I live way out in the boonies, so when I get a chance, I love to walk the dirt roads and just take in some fresh air! I have an old knee injury that bothers me, but I sure do love to get out and move! It has been a very cold winter here, and not a lot of opportunities for outside exercise, but spring is right around the corner!

    I have a Way Too Busy Schedule, which will lessen some once our house is done sometime in April. I will have at least 2 hours every day at that point that I can devote to working out! And with our house finished, I will have the space to do it. We now live in a tiny trailer while construction is in progress.

    I guess what's got me bummed is that the window of time I've set for myself is shrinking. But I do feel much better, so that *is* a good thing! I am discouraged, but not giving up!

    I have purchased both the Nature's Slimming Herbs and then the BioThin when that came out. I haven't taken either one yet, though. I worry a bit about taking too many things! I am taking things to reverse my Adrenal Stress, things to clear estrogen and balance hormones, and Multivitamins/krill . . . it's no wonder I am never hungry! I am filling up on supplements! LOL!

    Thanks for your encouragement, friend! It is nice to chat with someone who can relate to what you are focusing on on your life. I hope others will join in on our discussion and we can develop a good support network here.

    Warm regards,

  • Looking for friends and support   16 years 12 weeks ago


    I have lost 16 pounds so far. But I lost 9 of those in the first 2 weeks. So the weight isn't "melting off" like I hoped. I usually have no problems losing weight, but this time has been different. I think one problem for me is I don't have the time right now to exercise sufficiently. I am never home and when I am, I have a million and one things to do. It's just that time of my life I suppose. I plan on getting back to the gym in June when things are less hectic.

    I am also trying fucothin. I don't know if it's helping, it's supposed to take 6 weeks to kick in - we'll see what happens. It is pretty expensive, but was on sale at the local health food store and came with Jordan Rubin's new book. You get a $5 off cupon with your next purchase, so with the sale and the $5 off it wasn't too bad.

    I'm sorry you haven't lost anything, have you been exercising? How are your clothes fitting? When I exercise there is alot of times I won't lose, because I build muscle. If you are feeling great, then that is really half the battle, remember this is a life style change! I am probably losing also because I really have about 100 pounds to lose.

    Keep your chin up, it WILL happen!!


  • Looking for friends and support   16 years 12 weeks ago


    I am just a week behind you, starting week 6 tomorrow. As far as results go, I don't feel that I have lost any weight at all. I do, however, feel much better, and I am thinking that is because I am discovering so many food sensitivities and avoiding those foods.

    I am very bummed about the weight not coming off yet, but I am holding on to the hope that it will soon.

    How much weight have you lost and did you do so right away or did it take awhile?

    Take care,