Not losing weight!
Granted, I haven't been able to weigh myself since week one (I am starting week 6 tomorrow), so I don't know my actual "weight", but I am not feeling like I am losing any weight at all!
I feel MUCH BETTER, but definitely not THINNER.
This is what I am doing/finding/experiencing:
- I am eating 5-6 small meals throughout the day. "grazing"
I have followed the Enlita guidelines (not necessarily the menus) explicitly.
I am making an effort to make every day activities much more calorie burning.
I am gluten, cooked egg, brown rice, and vinegar intolerant (so far). POSSIBLE citrus intolerance as well. Retesting this week.
I have avoided all of the above since testing for them.
I am taking a multi vitamin, krill oil, and some other products to help with adrenal stress (stage 5) and Estrogen dominance.
I take 500 mg. Magnesium at night along with 2 Tbsp. ground flax seed and 120 mg. Armor Thyroid each AM.
I drink matcha tea and pure water all throughout the day.
- I want to up my exercise level, but am having trouble with a knee injury.
I am constipated more so than not, and I'd like to turn that around.
I have not added any amino acids-not sure which ones or if I need them.
I have not learned to do EFT yet.
I am confused with what I need to address-one at a time or all of it at once-and HOW (Estrogen dominance, Adrenal stress, Food intolerances-all of which work against my weight loss goals)
I should be at least seeing/feeling some results for weight loss by now, don't you think??? What am I missing? What should I change? Are others dealing with some of these issues?
HELP, please!! I am DETERMINED to be a size 10 by my son's wedding on June 1st.
I appreciate you all and welcome any advice!
[/][/]I would hold off on adding any more supplements (slimming herbs and biothin) right now. Let's try to turn that adrenal situation around a bit first.
Look for an announcement for the coaching program very soon-maybe later this week!
Dr. Winnie Abramson
You are doing so many things right and I am so glad you are feeling better. I sense your frustration about not seeing the weight loss right away, but your body needs to be healthy to lose weight, not the other way around.
One thing I would change right now, though, is the dosing of your armour thyroid- you should cut the 120 mg in half and take 1/2 in the morning 20 min before breakfast, and half 20 min before dinner. Chew it before swallowing if possible (I assume you are othewise being monitored to make sure this is the right dose). I'd also like you to increase your intake of raw foods if possible.
Otherwise, focus on getting your body healthy and then I know the weight will come off.
I want to mention that soon we will have the coaching program in place for more one-on-one help and I think this will help further refine and clear up any other questions you have, so look for that in the near future.
In the meantime, though, just be patient and keep working on getting healthy.
Dr. Winnie Abramson
Thank you for your encouragement! :)
I also appreciate hearing this-it is what I have been hanging on to and telling myself as well, so you've reaffirmed that for me. I know I will get there.
On the Armour thyroid: My last blood test was 12/06 and I have since fired my Dr. and he has not been replaced. The last lab results were:
TSH 0.134 uIU/mL T4 7.9 ug/dL (Throxine, Free)
I was on a dose of 60 mg at the time of this test and I was pretty low at that time. My Dr. bumped me up to the 120 mg. and I have not had another lab. So I am not current on labs and I am not sure I was ever confident that I was being adequately monitored. I "feel" the dose is good, but do not have current labs to verify. I am "Dr.-less", other than a local nutritionist and you all.T4 1.04 ng/dL (Thyroxine, Free, Direct, S)
T3 141
I will make the changes you suggest!
I think the coaching program will be exactly what I need. I am getting so bombarded with "fixes" right now, that I am uncertain about what to do. And with me not losing weight, I am questioning if I am doing the right things or if I am doing something wrong or missing it all together. Hopefully I will be able to afford the coaching program. I am already putting every extra penny I have into this.
Should I start taking the BioThin and the Natures Slimming Herbs? I wasn't sure if I should add them to the mix or not.
Thanks Dr. Winnie :)