Recent comments

  • I'm here for a LIve Chat forum. Is anyone here for this?   16 years 7 weeks ago

    I guess I don't get what you mean-are we going to be just posting back and forth or is there a chat forum somewhere that I am missing?

    I'll go where ever I need to :) Just need to know where it is.

  • I'm here for a LIve Chat forum. Is anyone here for this?   16 years 7 weeks ago

    hi Dawn, it's just you and I.
    which forum do you want to be in and what would you like to talk about?

  • I'm here for a LIve Chat forum. Is anyone here for this?   16 years 7 weeks ago

    How does this live chat work? I am not sure I am in the right place?


  • Please Help - workaholic question   16 years 7 weeks ago

    Denise, sound like you have the classic symptoms of serotonin deficiency
    which is the neurotransmitter in your brain that helps you be calm and relaxed.

    We cover all the neurotransmitter deficiencies in detail on our Enlita Program so I do recommend you at least do a free trial of the program to learn more.

    Second, you may want to consider trying our 5-HTPsupplement for 3 months which can boost your serotonin levels and works great to calm the mind, help with sleep and research shows it’s very good for weight management. Let me know how you’re doing.

  • Portions?   16 years 7 weeks ago

    Uh oh. I fear I was misunderstood a bit. When I said serving sizes would be restored I meant every recipe should say how many servings it makes (e.g. 4 servings or 8 servings etc), This info has been restored at this point, as has the document that described our dietary guidelines. If a recipe makes 4 or 6 or 8 servings total, you are supposed to eat 1 serving at each meal. I did not mean to say that the meal plan would say "eat 1 cup of soup" etc. Is this ok? If it is not sufficient to say eat 1 serving when the entire recipe is supposed to make 8 servings, then we (I!) am going to have some work to do to break down all the recipes into true portions. Maybe this is only necessary for some recipes where the serving size seems to be vague. If this is something people want in the future it can be done, it just hasn't been done yet.
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

  • Portions?   16 years 7 weeks ago


    I will anxiously be awaiting the serving size to be posted with the recipes. I have spent the last 2 days with calculator in hand trying to figure out protein grams, etc. to make some sense out of the recipes regarding servings. When I see the serving sizes listed, my faith will be restored. I appreciate your timely response to this problem.

  • Fermented foods   16 years 7 weeks ago

    Fermented vegetables like sauerkraut should theoretically keep for many months if made properly and stored in the refrigerator until opening, so your batch could not have been too old (fermented fruits generally should be eaten within 2 months, though). Even after opening, they should keep for a while (several months at least, I would think). The reaction you had to your last batch concerns me a bit. Is it possible you used too much whey and there was too much acid created- this could have bothered your gums if you ate a bit too much of it at that point...I would open your other jar and see if it smells right and is mildly bubbly. If it smells "off" at all, toss it into the compost. If you decide to eat it, you might just want to have a Tb. or so to start and make sure it agrees with you. Honestly though you are probably safer just starting again with a new batch as it's not hard to make and will be ready in just a few days. Good luck!
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

  • Account Problem   16 years 7 weeks ago

    Can you email the webmaster directly to make sure she gets you access to everything? Also, we intend to start doing new teleseminars again very soon so look for an announcement about that,
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

  • Portions?   16 years 7 weeks ago

    Dr. Winnie Abramson wrote:
    Ok I also realized why this is so confusing. For some reason all the serving sizes are not a visible! Each recipe should have the serving size and of course that is how one would guage how much to eat! And its been omitted when the recipes were transferred to the site!
    Now I understand why people have been confused, and I will get this corrected ASAP.
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

    THANK YOU!!!!


  • Portions?   16 years 7 weeks ago

    Ok I also realized why this is so confusing. For some reason all the serving sizes are not a visible! Each recipe should have the serving size and of course that is how one would guage how much to eat! And its been omitted when the recipes were transferred to the site!
    Now I understand why people have been confused, and I will get this corrected ASAP.
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

  • Portions?   16 years 7 weeks ago

    I am so sorry for your confusion.
    There is supposed to be a link to a document that explained all the portion info but it was removed and I believe that is the part of the source of the confusion. I will look into getting that info accessible again.
    You are supposed to eat 5-6 times a day- 10-15 g of protein at each mini-meal and the menus are designed to give you multiple portions to be able to eat that meal over several days. If the recipe says it makes 6 servings then yes divide that into 6 servings. The wraps you are referring to say to eat 1/2 the portion at meal 1 and the other 1/2 for meal 2, so that is 3 wraps with 2 oz. total of turkey at each serving. Please keep in mind that everyone is different. You can use your instincts to make sure you are not eating too little and not too much- enough at each meal to be satisfied, not full, and then you can eat again a few hours later. We are always working on trying to improve the menu plan so please feel free to leave me more comments.
    Thanks and let me know if you still have questions!

  • Portions?   16 years 7 weeks ago

    This is so frustrating! I am very excited about starting this healthy way of eating and living life with optimal health. The portion issue is stopping me from even beginning. Week one, day one...the tomatoes,chicken, avocado wraps.....Just give me an answer........What is a portion. How are we all expected to follow this if we do not know what amount to eat. Real simple...make 6 wraps, eat one, eat a half.....holy cow.....I am not going to depend on guess work. My success is too important. Please give some concrete, straight up information. Obviously, others are having these concerns as per the notes on the blog. What a disappointment. This program looks so great.......but how much or how little that is eaten is very pertinent to my success. Please help. Each recipe needs to have the serving size listed, otherwise, we are all just treading water with no place to go.
    Thank you, Mary

  • Holiday Meals   16 years 8 weeks ago

    We are doing a salad with all the trimmings, homemade garlic chive dressing, with steaks and sweet potatoes.

    I really didn't know what to do either, but this seemed to sound.

    We are still doing the small meals with this-just spreading it out from lunch time on. We are not really having a sit down dinner, or having our celebration centered around a meal, as part of my shifting away from that. Everyone is just grazing all day as we work on our home construction.

    It's been hard :(.


  • steviea Blend in Cake Recipe   16 years 8 weeks ago

    I think it probably refers to the powdered version of stevia which is mixed with other ingredients to make it easier to use. The liquid is more potent. I'll have to look up that recipe. Coconut and chocolate together sound yummy!


  • More Detox Confusion   16 years 8 weeks ago

    I checked and it was another member who had a similar question about metabolic cleanse to which I responded. Again, I am sorry for not responding- sometimes it is hard to get to every question, let alone give every question the thorough and detailed response everyone would like.

    Metabolic cleanse is a supplement designed to be taken while you are following a healthy diet to aid in gut repair and detox of the intestinal tract. It is meant to be taken longer term and not necessarily for use during a detox/juice fast. Perfect cleanse too can be used to on its own without a diet change, though a light diet is suggested, and is meant for a short term cleanse of the liver and colon of toxins.

    As for the specifics contained in each compared to those suggested in our store, I cannot do an item for item comparison at this moment, but I do believe that if you stick to either the juice fast option or one of the light eating options in week 16 and use Perfect cleanse, it is better than fine. Perfect cleanse has wonderful herbs and fiber that will support the dietary focus of the detox.

    Week 15 is prep for the detox, the detox is 5 days of week 16, and the rest of week 16 plus week 17 are breaking the detox properly and resuming a healthy diet. So its not like you are really detoxing for the full 3 weeks. I suggest starting the perfect cleanse 5 days before your detox and taking it through the detox for the 10 day total.

    I hope this helps clear up your confusion,
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

  • More Detox Confusion   16 years 8 weeks ago

    Hi, again Dr Abramson, I know you are probably super busy but just wanted to let you know that no, you had never gotten back to me (at least not in the original post or by email) and if you have some info I'd still love to hear it.


    PostPosted: 03 Feb 2008 22:32 Post subject: metabolic cleanse

    I admit I am not familiar with either of these products so I will contact Dr. Pearsall with this question and give you a response as soon as possible.
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

  • More Detox Confusion   16 years 8 weeks ago

    Ok thank you - I'll go ahead and use the Perfect Cleanse then. It's a 10 day cleanse, so... how does that fit into the 21 days of Enlita detox? Should I use it for 21 days straight or just 10?

    Also, does the Perfect Cleanse provide everything I need - ie does it encompass all the products recommended by Enlita for the detox weeks or should I supplement with other supplements? And what would they be? Sorry but I have never done a cleanse or detox before so I am clueless.


  • Weights to cardio ratio of 2 to 1 apply to pre-menopausal?   16 years 8 weeks ago

    I am not sure about that recommendation specifically for menopausal women, but I would say that if you are dealing with healing adrenal fatigue (which it sounds like from your supplement protocol), I would avoid most cardio at this point as it will only contribute to further exhaustion and metabolic problems, except maybe for 5-10 min to warm up at the beginning of your workout and stick to the yoga and strength training which are restorative and strengthening. You can certainly walk outside or on a treadmill, though, or do anything else that gets you moving and is enjoyable and you are comfortable with (asthma-wise)- just as long as you don't raise your heart rate too much.
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

  • Detox confusion   16 years 8 weeks ago

    Focus on the other aspects of the detox and don't be too stressed about the supplements- it's not all or nothing- just do what you can afford. I'll find out why the discrepancy with the detox supplements in the store...
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

  • More Detox Confusion   16 years 8 weeks ago

    I am so sorry- I remember your question well and thought I got back to you about that. Honestly if I were you, I would go ahead and use the product you've got-Perfect Cleanse- so you won't waste it and you'll save some money.
    Take care and enjoy the detox,
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

  • Today is Hard   16 years 9 weeks ago

    Hey agoers! I'm so proud of you for resisting. One of the tricks I used during my 180-pound weight loss in 2004 was to think of anything that contained excessive sugar and other culprit carbs as "rat poison." It's amazing how well this little mind game can work with GREAT success. This has helped me attend parties and other functions were junk food is present and not feel tempted in the least. After all, who wants to eat RAT POISON? Give it a try and let me know how it works for you. AWESOME JOB resisting this time around. :D

  • Looking for friends and support   16 years 9 weeks ago

    KarenK wrote:
    Dawn, I am glad you are getting spring! We are burrowing out of a foot of snow :( I have spring fever and can't wait till it gets warm finally. In case you're wondering, I live in Ohio, where the storm just sat over us from 10am friday till about 7pm on Saturday. What a mess.
    Anyway, I am better about the diet for now. I hit 20 lbs this week :D So that is a big motivator to stick with it. But I am like you, I can't go out and stay on plan. I am getting very tired of salads and need to take a break from them for a little while. The other side of that is without the salads I can't get enough raw veggies in. I feel sooooo much better when I eat alot of raw foods.
    I hope your hives are going away quickly. I can't stand to itch, that has got to be the worst. Whenever I have any type of reactions to medications, I usually end up with them. YECH! On the flip side, what a great reason to eat healthy!! Look on the bright side, your body is insisting that you be healthy, so your optimal choice is great food that nourishes you. You have a built in diet regulator LOL. So here's to you and your great defense against the evil food powers. You can do this and feel wonderful!!!! No more hives for you!! Have a great day!!!!!Karen

    I don't know how this post slipped by me! Sorry!
    Wow! I sure wish we were getting your moisture! Colorado is so very dry, well at least where I am in Colorado! There's plenty up in the mountains. Anyway, I hope your weather has been better for you and all that wonderful snow has melted.

    20 Pounds! WOW! I am so proud of you! Way to go! You are in week 10 now, right? That's right on track with 2 pounds a week. :D It sure does lift my spirits to hear that you are doing so well on this program! I know I feel better, but I still haven't lost any, size-wise. You just must be on cloud 9!!!

    How are you doing with salads and veggies? I know you said you were tired of salads. I *love* fresh veggies, but it makes it tough in the winter for me to eat so many cold things. Seems like I am cold from the inside out when I repeatedly do that, and then I have a heck of a time ever getting warm. That said, I have dragged out my dehydrator, juicers, and all my raw uncook books and I am trying to get more into that again. It has been all packed up for a while, as we are living in a trailer while we are building our house. There's really not room for gadgets and gizmos in this little trailer, but I need to break up the monotony a bit.

    Thanks for the encouraging words, Karen. I hope your weight loss continues and you have some more good news to report!


  • Raw Goat's milk   16 years 9 weeks ago

    Ok Vera,
    We'll try to slip that message in!
    Thanks for the great suggestion,
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

  • Raw Goat's milk   16 years 9 weeks ago

    Dr. Winnie Abramson wrote:
    re-testing items is something that at this point needs to be handled by each individual, but I'll make a note that we should incorporate that re-testing into the program at some point in the future.
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

    Thanks. Yes I know it would be impossible for you to keep tabs on all the re-testing. But even something as simple as adding a note to the bits in the menus where they already say "if you showed signs of sensitivity to _____ please avoid it and re-test in a few weeks" you might add to that "and we will give you a reminder in the menu when several weeks have passed and it's time to re-test for those that showed sensitivity to ______". And then just slip the reminder in at the beginning of the menu in a few weeks.

    Some of us, like myself, who have memory issues (can you say 4 kids, a husband, run a home business, pulled in every direction at once? lol) might benefit from a little reminder like that. :)


  • Looking for friends and support   16 years 9 weeks ago

    Just want to chime in here that these experiences happen to us all, even me! I had a bunch of parties to go to last week and because I went to each one very hungry, I didn't make great choices. On Saturday I had a karate event followed by a huge potluck. My contribution to the potluck was a great salad, so I ate that, and some deli meats which weren't organic but were the "cleanest option" there, and then I had a few handfuls of pita chips with hummus. The pita chips were what I should have avoided because when I eat wheat I want more, and sure enough I wanted pizza that night, has one slice, and felt perfectly exhausted and awful Sun. morning. That afternoon I attended a big catered party where I did ok food-wise (lots of salad and some fish and rice) but then ate the apple cobbler and ice cream because it was placed in front of me and everyone was saying it was so good (it was!). Monday morning, again, I felt exhausted. I've been back on track all week and again feeling like my energetic self- planning to stay away from those wheat and sugar indiscretions!
    Dr. Winnie Abramson