More Detox Confusion

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starwulf61's picture
Joined: 15 Nov 2007

Hi Dr Abramson I wrote on the forums several weeks ago about a product that you said you would check into and get back to me but haven't yet. Have you spoken to Dr Pearsall about Perfect Cleanse and if I can substitute it for all or some of the recommended products for the detoxification weeks 15-17?

Perfect Cleanse is a 10 day package and I have 3 of them. I bought them from and it's made by Garden of Life. I sure would like to use it and save a bundle of money - really tight right now!

Also, am I understanding correctly - we need the detox supplements for the entire Weeks 15-17 , ie 21 days? It would be nice if the supply list said "how many" bottles of each product we would need for the duration of detox weeks, because it's rather time consuming to go and look up each product individually. Or better yet, maybe you could put together a "total detox package" that includes all the recommended supplements in the future.

I feel "under the gun" because I'd like to take advantage of the St Patricks Day sale but doubt you'll be able to get back to me in time before it expires. Any chance of extending the offer?


Dr. Winnie Abramson's picture
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
detox confusion

I checked and it was another member who had a similar question about metabolic cleanse to which I responded. Again, I am sorry for not responding- sometimes it is hard to get to every question, let alone give every question the thorough and detailed response everyone would like.

Metabolic cleanse is a supplement designed to be taken while you are following a healthy diet to aid in gut repair and detox of the intestinal tract. It is meant to be taken longer term and not necessarily for use during a detox/juice fast. Perfect cleanse too can be used to on its own without a diet change, though a light diet is suggested, and is meant for a short term cleanse of the liver and colon of toxins.

As for the specifics contained in each compared to those suggested in our store, I cannot do an item for item comparison at this moment, but I do believe that if you stick to either the juice fast option or one of the light eating options in week 16 and use Perfect cleanse, it is better than fine. Perfect cleanse has wonderful herbs and fiber that will support the dietary focus of the detox.

Week 15 is prep for the detox, the detox is 5 days of week 16, and the rest of week 16 plus week 17 are breaking the detox properly and resuming a healthy diet. So its not like you are really detoxing for the full 3 weeks. I suggest starting the perfect cleanse 5 days before your detox and taking it through the detox for the 10 day total.

I hope this helps clear up your confusion,
Dr. Winnie Abramson

starwulf61's picture
Joined: 15 Nov 2007
Re: detox supplements

Hi, again Dr Abramson, I know you are probably super busy but just wanted to let you know that no, you had never gotten back to me (at least not in the original post or by email) and if you have some info I'd still love to hear it.


PostPosted: 03 Feb 2008 22:32 Post subject: metabolic cleanse

I admit I am not familiar with either of these products so I will contact Dr. Pearsall with this question and give you a response as soon as possible.
Dr. Winnie Abramson

starwulf61's picture
Joined: 15 Nov 2007
Re: detox supplements

Ok thank you - I'll go ahead and use the Perfect Cleanse then. It's a 10 day cleanse, so... how does that fit into the 21 days of Enlita detox? Should I use it for 21 days straight or just 10?

Also, does the Perfect Cleanse provide everything I need - ie does it encompass all the products recommended by Enlita for the detox weeks or should I supplement with other supplements? And what would they be? Sorry but I have never done a cleanse or detox before so I am clueless.


Dr. Winnie Abramson's picture
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
detox supplements

I am so sorry- I remember your question well and thought I got back to you about that. Honestly if I were you, I would go ahead and use the product you've got-Perfect Cleanse- so you won't waste it and you'll save some money.
Take care and enjoy the detox,
Dr. Winnie Abramson