Recent comments

  • Chebe Bread   15 years 49 weeks ago

    You can find Chebe bread online or from some select markets. Here I found it at Ingles. I never shop there but someone posted on a WAP list that she found it there, so I went and stocked up.

  • Podcasts   15 years 49 weeks ago

    The podcasts are found within your account page that displays tab options such as "lessons" and "meal plan". Click the tab labeled "audio/video". The web address displayed at that point is

  • Sharing   15 years 49 weeks ago

    payne53 wrote:
    What foods did you find you were sensitive to on the elimination diet?

    I was one of those people who was *certain* I had no problems with wheat. :wink: But wowsie, let me tell you there was NO DOUBT that I have a gluten intolerance. I even reacted to some non-gluten grains. Interestingly, I reacted to cooked eggs, but not raw, and also had a very strong reaction to vinegar.

    I have a prior history of problems with coffee, legumes, and dairy.

    I was enjoying a cup or two of coffee every day prior to Enlita, but could take it or leave it. My husband, OTOH, lived on the stuff. :shock: We have both switched completely over to green tea and, once DH got through the caffeine "detox" phase, neither of us miss it a bit. For me, I just needed the hot beverage. For DH, he was totally addicted to the caffeine and the "false energy". You are well on your way to weaning it from your diet by adding in the coconut milk and spices. Have you ever tried some of the coffee substitutes? Might be a helpful next step for you.

    Speaking of favorites and hot beverages . . . One thing I was so glad to not have to give up was chai! (I used coconut milk until I could reintroduce dairy) I love the warming spices :D.

    I do buy local, grass-fed, and organically gown. I do a CSA program and I help support several farms here locally through their CSA's, including a raw dairy farm. I am really excited about our upcoming farmer's market season, which starts June 11th here in Colorado Springs. Sounds like you are doing the same thing-good on you! It is a totally different perspective, isn't it? Ever read Barbara Kingsolver's "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" or any of Michael Pollan's work?

    Do you ever follow Joel Salatin's work? We are trying to implement some of his practices here, although the adaption of our high desert prairie climate to processes developed in a Shenandoah Valley one has been a challenge. :wink:

    I am very interested in hearing more about your website! Will you send me the info please? How awesome is that! Podcasting to document your progress! I *love* it!

    Do you take your measurements since you don't have a scale? Checking waist, hips and thighs can be a great motivator that may be more revealing than the scale.

    No, I am not taking measurements. Yet. I did take initial ones, but haven't felt motivated to take more since I am noticing no difference in my clothing. Once I conquer whatever it is that is holding me up, weight-loss wise, I will start taking note of inches lost to be sure!

    Enjoy the sunshine!

  • Chebe Bread   15 years 49 weeks ago

    I will have to look for that at my local store. Do you have a brand recommendation or is it just "Chebe Bread"? I wonder now if this can be ordered through my food co-op...gonna check that out :D. Thanks!

    I have only discovered one way to add someone as a buddy. Click on the "Profile" button at the bottom of a person's post and it will give you the option of adding them to your buddy list. Also, at the bottom of every post and on each individual profile (contact page), you can post Private Messages (aka "PM").


  • Sharing   15 years 49 weeks ago

    Awesome progress, Tina! You should be very proud to have reached past the halfway mark. A pound a week average is great because you have the best chance to keep it off and stick with your new healthy habits.

    My husband had a heart attack April 10 (mild, is doing well), so finally he is not fighting me when I don't want to bring bread into the house and is following the plan with me. We're on day 7. It agrees with our doctor's suggestions so that is great reinforcement, too. I am also on a protocol to eliminate yeast and other overgrowth in my gut, so may need to eliminate some things longer than Enlita advises.

    I think community support is very important, so thank you for answering my post. Keep up the good work! You are a role model! Any before and after photos to share?

  • Chebe Bread   15 years 49 weeks ago

    Hi, Dawn. The answer is both - you buy the package like Bisquick, add extra ingredients like cheese or egg (can't do it until I test dairy and egg), and bake it in the oven. It is crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside. I served it at Thanksgiving for my gluten intolerant brother, and everyone else wanted second servings even though I had cranberry muffins for them!
    The packages include an all purpose mix, pizza dough, foccacia, etc. It uses sea salt instead of yucky sodium. Our local WAP chapter leader uses it almost exclusively as a bread substitute.
    How do I add you as a friend or buddy on this system? I'll be glad to share home email if there is a private way to do that. I see you are an active poster.

  • Trying again   15 years 49 weeks ago

    Hi Karen,

    I am not an Enlita staff member, but just wanted to jump in and say I am glad to see you getting back on track. :D We made it to week 15 and then realized we were heading into a "life overload" time frame and decided to go back to the elimination phase. I didn't want our bodies to have to deal with even minute little food intolerances. Following this phase of the program during a very stressful time in our lives I believe really helped us COPE! :D We sailed through, all of us feeling great!

    To me, it also serves as a red flag that we missed noting an intolerance (or more than one) the first go around. I haven't pinpointed it yet, but for some reason we feel much better omitting the common allergens from our diet. We are hopeful that we will isolate the culprit(s) this time around.

    Welcome back!


  • Sharing   15 years 49 weeks ago

    I don't know if people are shy, or what. It would be nice to see more discussion here.

    It's great to hear how fast the weight is coming off for you at the start. That elimination phase is amazing, isn't it?

    How am I doing? My weight has continued to drop pretty steadily--1 pound a week average.

    In May I lost my motivation a little and had a lot of family gatherings to go to. Since I was feeling unmotivated, I didn't resist the foods I otherwise would have been able to. And a huge part of it for me--I stopped writing down everything I ate during that time. That immediate accountability to myself is something I need.

    I gained a couple of pounds. BUT, I ordered the Enlita workout DVDs, which arrived almost two weeks ago. With something new to look forward to--instant motivation.

    I've lost a total of 27 pounds so far. I'd like to lose another 23, so I'm past the half-way mark. Yippee!

    My lapse came out of left field. I don't know what caused it. Up to that point I'd been thinking how easy Enlita was to stick with. And it is. Once I knew what foods I have to avoid, and got into the habit of eating more raw vegetables, I hardly had to think about my food choices. It came automatically.

    But this has served as a reminder to be careful. To keep my goals in view so I don't lose focus. And to record everything I eat.

  • Podcasts   15 years 49 weeks ago

    I'm new to the program and want to download the podcasts. Where do I go to do that? Are you on iTunes?

  • Sharing   15 years 49 weeks ago

    Hi, Dawn.

    Thank you for the warm welcome! :D My son and his significant other love Colorado. What foods did you find you were sensitive to on the elimination diet? I have a prior history of problems with coffee, legumes, and dairy. That was 14 years ago during a time of great stress. The problem then and now is that the legumes and coffee are not eliminated in the elimination diet. I may have to work that in myself. Anyway, it's nice to keep a little coffee when other favorites are missing. I am using coconut milk to lighten it up, and adding a sprinkle of cinnamon.

    Do you buy local and grass-fed? Raw dairy? Our lives have really changed since I attended a Sally Fallon lecture in 2005. At least half of our food and most of our calories come from local farmers that we know. I never would have believed that could be possible. Grocery stores actually make me a bit ill looking at all the processed foods. :cry:

    My husband and I are working on a website with a weekly podcast to share our story of trying to live a more natural lifestyle. I think it will be fun and we'll learn a lot, too! Documenting our progress on the Enlita plan will definitely be part of what we'll share.

    Do you take your measurements since you don't have a scale? Checking waist, hips and thighs can be a great motivator that may be more revealing than the scale.

    Let me know how you're doing!


  • Chebe Bread   15 years 49 weeks ago

    Do you buy this bread or make it yourself?


  • Sharing   15 years 49 weeks ago

    Hi Cathy!

    I am not shy :D! Welcome to the group! (...kicking tumbleweeds and brushing the cobwebs away...)

    I went back to the elimination phase of the Enlita program (weeks 1-3), after making it to week 15, due to a very hectic family adgenda. My family (and especially ME) feels so much better sans common allergens, and so I know we have some more work to do there. I still have not lost any weight (although my family has commented that "my face is thinner") so it was really encouraging to read of your success! (I am measuring my weight loss by the way my clothes fit. I do not yet have a scale.)

    We also follow the WP guidelines and Enlita compliments that really well. I really appreciate the support of the Enlita team. It is so helpful that when you have a question or a particular issue, you have someone you can ask.

    Anyway, glad you are here! Hopefully the rest of the gang will chime in and we'll get this ball rolling again!

    Warm regards,

  • Sharing   15 years 50 weeks ago

    Tina, I am wondering how you have done since January, after the holidays. I eat patterned after Weston A Price guidelines, so this is the perfect diet for me. I had a very stressful year in 2007 and got way out of whack. As a teacher, I am sometimes tempted when stressed with the sugar-filled and processed foods teachers leave in the break room where I am eating my healthy lunch. Then there are wedding and baby showers at 4 PM when my blood sugar is low... My husband had a cardiac incident during my spring break in April so it was much easier to support him and eliminate bread from our diet. I started exercising more and limited carbs to one serving a day. I lost 1/2 pound a week doing that, but waited until school got out to start the elimination diet. Interestingly enough, on day one I visited a new doctor about inflammation and gut issues and the first thing she recommended was an elimination diet! That was great reinforcement, and my husband started with me so there is not temptation in the cupboard. Well, I am extremely happy because I am losing .4-.8 pounds per day and am down 11 pounds in 7 weeks, with 2 of those from this week. I am losing a small amount of muscle with the fat and so am slightly "fatter" than I started, but my husband is getting leaner. I need to bump up my strength training. I'm a bit disappointed that I don't see a lot of recent posts on the discussion groups. Are people just shy?
    Cathy in Johns Creek, GA :?

  • Chebe Bread   15 years 50 weeks ago

    While manioc is gluten-free, it's advisable to try to stick as closely as possible to the Enlita menus, particularly during the first 2-3 weeks of the program. Breads can slow weight loss for some individuals.

    Dr. Marci Scott

  • Detox Symptoms!   15 years 50 weeks ago

    Detox symptoms can occur the first couple of days of beginning a cleanse or switching to a whole foods diet (particularly if it's a drastic change from a diet based in more processed foods). They typically resolve within several days. Hang in there! If the symptoms don't improve within a week, you may want to explore the possibility of another cause for the symptoms with your healthcare provider.

    Dr. Marci Scott

  • Trying again   15 years 50 weeks ago


    I'm glad to hear that you are committed to healthy eating once again! You can pick up where you left off, and avoiding the foods that you found to be an issue for you.

    Dr. Marci Scott

  • Detoxification and Weight Loss Teleseminar   15 years 51 weeks ago

    The Enlita lessons (weeks 15 and 16 in particular) go into detail on types of cleansing and how to cleanse. The material leading up to these weeks helps prepare for cleansing and covers important issues that need to be addressed before detoxification.

    Dr. Scott

  • water purifiers   15 years 51 weeks ago

    Whole house filtration systems installed by a local company can be a good choice if you are planning in living in the house for some time as they tend to cost more upfront (generally several thousand dollars but this can vary). These filter not only drinking water but also water in showers/baths. Under sink reverse osmosis systems are also considered to be good systems. Carafes and refrigerator filters generally filter very little!

    Dr. Marci Scott

  • New Member Loving Coffee   15 years 51 weeks ago

    The Enlita program is advocating healthier choices for warm drinks such as green tea, which is a good source of antioxidants and anti-cancer compounds.

    Coffee can also affect sleep, blood pressure, irritate the gastrointestinal system, and contribute to anxiety, to name a few. Decaf is more ideal, particularly organic decaf due to the chemicals utilized in the removing caffeine.

    However, we still believe that tea is an overall healthier choice.

    Dr. Marci Scott

  • Detoxification and Weight Loss Teleseminar   15 years 51 weeks ago

    Darn....I missed this...Is there anyway to hear it again? I have been reading how important it is to detox but I am not sure where to start? Thanks. :?:

  • New Member Loving Coffee   15 years 51 weeks ago

    Would organic coffee be an acceptable alterniative? I enjoy my morning coffee too but I have given up my afternoon cup(s)! Please advise. :lol:

  • New Member Loving Coffee   15 years 51 weeks ago

    Can I have some insight why coffee isn't recommended on this program?

  • water purifiers   15 years 51 weeks ago

    I am glad that you posted this question! We are seeking the same information, so I look forward to the replies.

    Here is the company and products I am currently researching, but they are very expensive. I am also just at the beginning of my research. What I found helpful was the chart showing a comparison of other models, which, of course led to more research :D.

    I am in no way promoting this company. It is just the only info I have in my file right now. I hope it helps you! Please share what you discover!


  • Podcasts   16 years 4 days ago

    The technical personnel have been informed of the challenge of downloading the week 15 podcast. This will hopefully be resolved shortly. Thank you for your understanding.

    Dr. Marci Scott

  • May Teleseminars?   16 years 1 week ago

    Upcoming teleseminars will be announced in the email newsletters.

    -Dr. Marci Scott