Recent comments

  • Rough Start   16 years 30 weeks ago

    You are probably looking for an opinion other than mine, but of course I say "go for it" and yes, we are here for you to help you through any problems, technical or otherwise, that you may experience.
    Good luck,
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

  • Sharing   16 years 30 weeks ago

    Not so good. I'm struggling.

    As of Dec 18, I had lost another 3 pounds. Since then, I've stayed the same, or even gone up a little. I'm trying to figure out what's going on. I'm doing the Enlita workout, so I'm gaining muscle. That alone could stall the weight loss. But I'm not losing much for inches, either.

    I guess the fast weight loss happened before I started the actual menu here. Nothing significant for the first two weeks of the elimination diet. I realized later that I had a cold at the time I wrote that post, and had been avoiding dairy for about 10 days before I started the elimination diet.

    That tells me I might be sensitive to pasteurized dairy at least. During dairy testing week, I wasn't able to test raw dairy. The farm I was buying raw milk from sold their cows. So disappointing.

    I bought the three pack of Whey Healthier, but I must be sensitive to that because it makes me feel sick. Malaise is the word, I guess.

    Sorry I don't have an encouraging post for you. I think a good detox would do wonders for me. I don't know when that comes into play. But my body is not wanting to let go of the fat!

  • Sharing   16 years 30 weeks ago

    tina, how has your weight loss gone?

  • Food Tastes Better   16 years 30 weeks ago

    hi dee!

    i have not started the program yet, but on a mercola or atkins type diet it really is amazing how weird processed food tastes after a little while. i feel So good when i am eating what feeds my body.

  • Metabolic Typing   16 years 30 weeks ago

    How does one find out what metabolic type you are?

  • What do I do when I leave home?   16 years 32 weeks ago

    You are right, 2 lbs is good. I think just getting off the sugar is a big thing.
    My body is probably going yeah. I don't think this next week will be as big.

    Thank you for the support.

  • What do I do when I leave home?   16 years 32 weeks ago

    Sounds like you did very well. You did not have any control over the food selection and you did not overeat under less than optimal that's great!
    You are losing weight so congrats on that, but make sure you don't lose too much- 2 pounds a week is optimal!
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

  • Munchies at night   16 years 32 weeks ago

    Thanks Betsy. Those are great ideas.
    I live in a condo where my kitchen, dining room,
    living room, and desk are all on the same area.
    Perhaps I could move my desk area to an upstairs
    bedroom - thereby - keeping me away from the
    kitchen! It's all about self control!

  • Welcome Enlita Members!   16 years 32 weeks ago

    KarenT wrote:

    What does "quote" mean to the right of the message?
    Also, how do you reply to one persons message?

    It looks like you did some experimenting and may have answered your own question.

    If you hit the Quote button on a post, that entire post is repeated in the Reply box with some code around it in brackets. You can delete parts that you're not referring to in your reply if you like, as I did with your first message above.

    If it's an active topic, this helps people know what you're replying about. It's especially helpful if you're replying to something someone said half a dozen messages ago. :)

    There's also a Post Reply button, which just gives you an empty box to type your message in. Most of the time that's just fine.

  • Munchies at night   16 years 32 weeks ago

    That's a tough one. I've been there. Unfortunately, my current solution is to be taking a nighttime medication before which I can't eat for 2-3 hours. That effectively shut down my snacking, but I can't recommend it to others. :D

    Have you tried the tooth-brushing trick? After you've finished dinner, brush you teeth. You don't want to ruin that minty-fresh feeling with nuts or whatever.

    Other suggestions would be to avoid doing things where it's easy to snack, like watching TV or reading. Do things that take two hands, or that get you away from food, like going for a walk or to the gym.

    I think once you get the habit broken then you won't have to keep re-arranging your life like this. You'll have a new habit. :)

  • Welcome Enlita Members!   16 years 32 weeks ago

    KarenT wrote:
    I also find the website a bit confusing.
    Perhaps that is why there aren't alot of replies to messages.
    What does "quote" mean to the right of the message?
    Also, how do you reply to one persons message?

  • Welcome Enlita Members!   16 years 32 weeks ago

    I also find the website a bit confusing.
    Perhaps that is why there aren't alot of replies to messages.
    What does "quote" mean to the right of the message?
    Also, how do you reply to one persons message?

  • I am new   16 years 32 weeks ago

    My HDL was 96, my LDL was 172, my Tri's were 87. Total Chol was 285

    What is your interpretation of this figures? I have heard from other sources that you don't look at the total numbers but the make up of all the numbers.o

    I have lowered my chol before by losing weight and cutting back on the sugar. Last year it was 188 but I keep yo yoing because I didn't really know what the total reason was for the drop or increase. The light bulbs are starting to go off now.

  • What do I do when I leave home?   16 years 32 weeks ago

    Well, we went away for the day and I actually felt it was quite successful. I did not have much choice at lunch as to what was on my tray. (we visited a care center) So I took the choices I had, meat and vegetables, ate them and left the white bread, fruit, milk, mashed potatoes and gravy. I was proud of my discipline, but was hungry, so I found some turkey sticks, ate some of my almonds and drank a lot of water. Then my family wanted to go in to the Russel Stover store and buy gifts. I could have stayed in the car but decided to be strong and went in. The smell was wonderful, but I stayed strong again. Then dinner was salad and pizza. I ate two salads and finally had 1 piece of pizza.

    If you have any other suggestions on other choices I could have made please let me know.

    So I would say the day was a success. I know that sugar will be my main problem so I might as well deal with it up front. I hope I can be this strong always.

    This plan is working because I have lost 5-6 lbs in a little over a week.

  • Do you miss sugar?   16 years 32 weeks ago

    Hi Tina,
    Thank you so much for sharing your musings on sugar. For me, a recovered sugar addict, I will say that while I never crave sugar anymore, I still enjoy it tremendously. I do not eat it much, and when I do it is a small portion of something homemade I make for my family made with organic sugar...saying I will never eat sugar is just unrealistic for me. I never eat processed sugary junk but I do love baking my own treats every now and then. I do not overeat sugar like I used to, and am ok with my current relationship with it. If I ever start to feel like I am craving it or am overeating it, I cut it out completely until my diet is more on track, then the cravings go away. Of course I am so very aware of all the problems with sugar but in the small amounts I use I am comfortable with it...
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

  • Do you miss sugar?   16 years 32 weeks ago

    No stories? This is starting to feel like a ghost forum. Anyone here?

    When I gave up sugar for that year and a half, most sweet things began to look disgusting to me. Donuts, cupcakes--that thick frosting, yuck! Only two things kept their appeal. Chocolate and ice cream.

    So I believe it's possible to eliminate sugar and not miss it. I just need to get into that mindset.

    I'm nearly finished with week 3 of the program. No sugar. My cravings are gone. Certain things still look good, but already other things are starting to turn my stomach just to see them. They turn my stomach because I know how they make me feel.

    I'm a writer, and I have a literary agent. Yesterday I received a small Christmas present from him. A box of truffles. Those used to be my favorites.

    Last night they sounded appealing. Today, not so much. Oh, well. It was a lovely thought, and my husband will enjoy them. He isn't one bit overweight, and doesn't have a problem with occasional sugar.

  • What do I do when I leave home?   16 years 33 weeks ago

    I meant that being out in a restaurant is a good time to order something like grilled chicken or fish- these foods are available almost everywhere.

  • What do I do when I leave home?   16 years 33 weeks ago

    Thanks, I am a little confused about the grilled protein. What do I want to order?

    Salads and vegetables work for me. I tend not to do the protein much but am learning to do it more within reason. I have not been a bean eater but am learning to do that also. I totally love the fruit and am very glad to see it. I believe that that is what is helping to get rid of the sugar craving. Mornings are the worst because I was an egg eater and really miss that. I will survive though.

  • I am new   16 years 33 weeks ago

    You are off to a great start if you have been using Weston Price nutritional principles for awhile. I personally am very much influenced by the WAPF and as the Nutrition Director for Enlita, I use a lot of their information in our menu plan. Read the menus and lessons and you should understand how to do the allergy elimination. You will have the opportunity to test egg and dairy in week 4 and the other foods in the weeks following. Let us know if you have additional questions. We are putting a coaching program together where you will be able to get individualized help soon if you like, as well. As for the cholesterol, I personally would not worry too much because there is a lot of evidence that low cholesterol is not protective against disease. In fact, its harmful. Have you read The Cholesterol Myths? What is your HDL in relation to your LDL?
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

  • What do I do when I leave home?   16 years 33 weeks ago

    Do not fret too much!
    Allow yourself to experience the pleasure of being out, hopefully with people whose company you enjoy. Avoid the carbs, as there will probably be very few that meet your new healthy standards (unless you can find brown rice), and focus instead on eating lots of vegetables (both salads and cooked) and reasonable sized portions of any protein- we don't do grilled protein foods on the program, so now would be the time to choose something of that sort. Even though we recommend grass-fed meats and wild fish and you are unlikely to find these in most restaurants, its fine to eat commercial meats every now and then. Or see if you can go to a new and different sort of ethnic restaurant and stick to their flavorful ways of preparing protein and vegetables. Whatever you do, don't look at it as an opportunity to go completely off the program. Don't overeat. Drink herbal tea and try to avoid any desserts made in a restaurant, or bring a healthy sweet (I'd make suggestions but I'm not sure where you are in the program) you can keep with you and enjoy a few bites at night before you go to bed. Even if you cheated a tiny bit somewhere its not at all the end of the world, but its best to plan- bring snacks and decide beforehand how you will handle certain situations (rehearse things you might says to friends such as: "I find I feel much better when I don't eat white bread"; "big desserts really disrupt my sleep these days", etc) . But above all, have fun and don't obsess!
    Dr. Winnie Abramson

  • Rainforest Chocolate   16 years 33 weeks ago

    I still am unable to order. It is not in the Store.

  • Frustrated   16 years 34 weeks ago

    I am getting along much better on internet explorer. I still have issues with fire fox. Its great to be able to access the information . i am able to print out the recipes and instructions with no effort all all. On the other browser it is very difficult. On firefox which is what I am on now, If you click on a smiley it brings you to another page and says page not found. I am going to have to make IE my main browser till the issues are resolved.

    Thank you

  • Rainforest Chocolate   16 years 34 weeks ago

    It is currently in stock. You should be able to order it. Please let me know if you continue to have problems ordering it.

  • Frustrated   16 years 34 weeks ago

    Hi Maddy - per our emails, has this one been resolved for you?

  • Royal Matcha Green Tea   16 years 34 weeks ago

    I had the same question when I got mine!
    The serving size is 1/4 tsp. per cup of water. Whisk the powder into a cup of boiled water and enjoy!
    Dr. Winnie Abramson