Food Tastes Better

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dee2b's picture
Joined: 15 Sep 2007

Even though I tried to eat well, I have always been rushed for time and grabbed a lot of prepared foods (frozen, etc.). Since I have been following this program, it seems my taste buds have become more sensitive. Food tastes better and I can taste ingredients I never noticed before. This is really cool and amazing.

I don't know if anyone else has experienced this or not, but I would like to know if anyone has had any similar experiences?

Dawn's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Food Tastes Better

Hello all!

Dee, I am getting ready to start week 6 of the program and I totally agree with you on your tastes becoming much more sensitive. I am not even tempted anymore to eat junk!

I'd love to see a nice support group grow out of this program as well. I know I need it, and I especially am interested in members being of like minds and knowledge base. We are all learning so much through Enlita and Mercola, and I want to keep it going!

Warm regards,


tpribors's picture
Joined: 13 Feb 2008
Food tastes differently

I just started, but I know what you mean. After eating organic dark chocolate for awhile, I turn my nose up at any commercially made chocolate. It tastes like wax! So does that instant cocoa garbage! My favorite is using organic non alkalized cocoa in almond milk with raw agave nectar. Yum! :D

I hope I'll eventually be able to add it back to my diet (I'm just starting week one). It's my last indulgence left. :cry:


momto5's picture
Joined: 1 Jan 2008
Food Tastes Better

hi dee!

i have not started the program yet, but on a mercola or atkins type diet it really is amazing how weird processed food tastes after a little while. i feel So good when i am eating what feeds my body.

dee2b's picture
Joined: 15 Sep 2007
Food Tastes Better

I am so encouraged reading the posts some of you have sent in. Just to see what would happen, I tried eating a candy bar the other day. It tasted terrible. I really enjoy the taste of "real" food and don't want to mess with the stuff I used to eat.

Thanks to all of you for helping me realize I am not in this alone. I would love to end up with a supportive group, but don't quite know how to accomplish this.

Chat with you later.