2,600 views What Is Fosomax - And Is It Really Safe?   What Is Fosomax - And Is It Really Safe? The other day my aunt called me to ask me what my thoughts were on Fosamax—a prescription medication that her doctor wanted to put her on for...
4,454 views How toxic are you? It's not if you have toxins, but how toxic are you? We all know that pollution is a problem in our environment, but you may not be aware that it’s a problem within your body as well....
4,805 views Advantages and Disadvantages of Gastric Bypass Roux-en-Y The following is an interview with a friend of mine who had this surgical procedure back in 2000. Dr. Kendra: Joann, tell me what life was life was like for you before the operation? Joann: I feel...
2,987 views Explore the Benefits of Coconuts Coconut flour can be used to make delicious tasting muffins, cookies, pies, cakes, and other breads and baked goods.  It is high in fiber, low in carbohydrate, and completely gluten free, making...
5,923 views Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar How Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits Your Natural Weight Loss Consuming vinegar before a meal can be greatly beneficial for weight loss and diabetes. According to the results of a 2005 study, two...
3,708 views Good Sources Of Fiber And Natural Weight Loss Getting Your Daily Fiber In There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Foods on the Enlita program for natural weight loss that are high in insoluble fiber include nuts and seeds, green...
3,612 views How To Optimize Your Digestion With Cultured Vegetables Including a variety of cultured/lacto-fermented foods and beverages in your daily diet is a very healthy practice because these foods are excellent for restoring and maintaining intestinal health....
5,727 views Fat: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Fats are essential for optimal well-being and weight loss. Let’s focus on which fats to include in your diet and which you need to avoid at all costs. The Good Fats The good fats to eat are...
4,300 views The Danger Of Caffeine Do you drink caffeinated coffee, tea or soda? You may have heard that coffee and tea have health benefits, and that caffeine can help with weight loss. You may also have heard the opposite.  ...
6,457 views Do You Have Symptoms Of Gluten Sensitivity? Are You Part of the Shocking Thirty Percent of the Population That Has A Gluten Sensitivity?   What is Gluten? Gluten sensitivity is experienced when digesting gluten, which is is one of...