WK 4 Having Sensitivity Symptoms,Should I Do The Challenges?

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starwulf61's picture
Joined: 15 Nov 2007

Hi, I started Week 4 today and read this in Lesson 1:

"How To Challenge
Start: Begin challenging when you have been on the elimination diet for at least 2 weeks, and when you have had at least 3 days in a row without symptoms or with decreased symptoms."

Well I haven't been symptom-free for about 2 weeks now (to the best of my recollection). I am having constipation (which is fairly unusual for me) as well as an on and off feeling of having to clear my throat and cough (which is pretty common for me but which I don't want to do anymore!).

Do you think I am allergic to some food I've had? I've stuck to the Enlita menus quite religiously however I did make a boo-boo in Week 1 & 2 by having Veganaise (I didn't read the label when I bought it, can you believe it?!? But I'd seen it mentioned somewhere in the Enlita literature so I assumed it was safe to eat). Or could it be an environmental thing? We moved to a new (20 year old) house 4 months ago.

So.... should I just continue on and hope to eventually weed out the culprit? Or should I start Week 1 all over again, without the VEganaise, and keep a log of symptoms? It's just that since I have no clue what I might be sensitive to, I don't know how to figure it out without guidance.

Sorry this got so lengthy! Looking forward to your thoughts - especially since tomorrow is Egg Challenge Day.


starwulf61's picture
Joined: 15 Nov 2007
Re: week 4 questions

Hi Dr Winnie,

I got back the results of my Elise test. I scored:

3+ Trout
2+ Salmon
1+ Egg yolk, clam

VL (very low) on many things! My Dr said to ignore those. Is that right?!? Doesn't seem right, since the paperwork said scoring VL can still mean you have sensitivity but that your immune system is doing a very good job of combatting it.

Here are VL:

DAIRY: casein, cheddar cheese, cottage cheese, cow's milk, goat's milk, lactalbumin

FRUITS: grapefruit, papaya

VEGETABLES: alfalfa, mushroom, pea

FISH/SHELLFISH: cod, sardine, sole, tuna

POULTRY/MEATS: egg white, turkey

NUTS & GRAINS: kidney bean, oat, rice, sesame, soy, wheat

MISCELLANEOUS: yeast, cane sugar, coffee

So what is your interpretation? What do you recommend? I"d appreciate any input, since my Dr seemed clueless. He told me to ignore the VL and to stop eating the 1+, 2+, and 3+ foods. When I asked him if I could ever go back to them he said yeah we could test again in a year.

I was really surprised to have no reaction to tomato because I've been sure I have a sensititivy for almost my whole life (makes me clear throat and cough).

Thank you Dr Winnie!

Dr. Winnie Abramson's picture
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
week 4 questions

Ok got the picture with the mayo! You ate a lot! It does have a bit of soy in it- we have to remove it from the early part of the menus. And yes, the cocoa was a typo in week 2.
Glad you will get the test- sometimes it is just much easier than trying to do the elimination/challenge when you have confusing things going on...you may have multiple sensitivities and that just makes things quite complicated!
Sweet potatoes are not a nightshade but regular potatoes are, so avoid those. Sweet potatoes generally don't cause problems, but you never know. Eat as few foods as you can manage until after you get the test results- but do make sure to eat - don't starve yourself. Eat plenty of good fat with your foods.
Keep me posted,
Dr. Winnie Abramson

starwulf61's picture
Joined: 15 Nov 2007
Re: week 4 questions

Hi Dr Abramson, thanks so much for your fast reply. Yeah, probably not the home, since I've been having this kind of respiratory symptom for as long as I can remember.

About the Vegenaise, ummm, well I gotta confess I"m a major mayo addict and so with all those meat/salmon roll ups I went through at least 1/2 a large bottle in those first 3 weeks! :) I also had a smoothie last weekend in which it said I could use chocolate or vanilla protein powder - naturally I chose chocolate! Was that a typo to have cocoa in Week 2 menu?

Yes I can do the 3 day menu suggestions you made except man I hate lamb so I'll use beef, chicken, salmon - pan fried or sauteed in coconut oil. Regarding the sweet potatoes, I suspect I'm allergic to tomatoes so since they're both in the nightshade family do you think I should also avoid the entire nightshade family for these 3 days? If so, substitute what?

I made an appt for today to get the Elise test through my family doctor. Want to know the results?

Thank you so much for you help with this!

Dr. Winnie Abramson's picture
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
week 4 questions

Something is definitely going on for you but as you mentioned, the respiratory symptoms could be related to your home. I would not expect you would be experiencing this from a little vegenaise a few weeks back but it is possible you are sensitive to something else that is in the menus.
I don't want you to have to go back to week 1 to figure it out though. Any chance you could just do a really basic even more hypoallergenic diet of just meats (lamb is probably best), sweet potatoes, a few veggies (keep it as simple as possible), and maybe pears for 3 days before you jump into the food testings?? I do want you to be a bit more symptom free. I wish we had the ALCAT tests in an then I would just recommend that for you but I don''t believe they are in stock yet.