Why is this not working for me?
When I joined this program 8 weeks ago, I was hopeful that this would be the answer for me. It is a program filled with health giving foods and wonderful information along with testimonials of wonderful weight losses. I was so encouraged and anticipated that it would work for me too! The acutal story is that while I have appreciated the information and learned to eat the small meals daily - I have only lost 5 pounds in the 8 weeks and those came off in the first 3 weeks! The last 5 weeks have been disheartening. :( Please guide me as to what to do next!
Thanks - Lynnette
Thankyou Dr. Marci Scottt for being so helpful to our members! You are what makes this community great.
Okay, so I'm glad you identified foods you are probably sensitive to and are currently avoiding them.
Are you sensitive to other grains? Sometimes it's the gluten in some of the grains (including wheat) that people react to. But they can eat non-gluten containing grains without a problem. Something to think about and possibly try testing as you did in the first couple of weeks. (Oats that are labeled "gluten-free" are available in some health food stores, FYI). But overall, grains can slow the rate of weight loss in some people, particularly if consumed frequently or in larger portions.
It does sound like the exercise may not be enough - increasing it may help you over the current plateau in weight. Aim for trying to double it to 4-5 days/week, but increase gradually so that you don't injure yourself (assuming your doctor okayed you for exercise). Also, consider doing a variety of other types of exercise. Another person on the program posted in the forums that the Enlita exercise videos were very motivating for her.
Enlita offers one-on-one coaching, and I am one of the coaches. You can view the rates by going to the Enlita store website and looking in the left hand column under categories. You'll see weight loss coaching near the bottom.
All the best,
Dr. Marci Scott
Congratulations on your success so far! Yes, it IS a success. While you may not have seen as big of a decrease as you would like on the scale yet, it sounds like you are eating much healthier foods. How do you feel overall?
I have a couple of questions based on what you shared. How much and how often are you exercising? Did you find that you may have any food sensitivites? (If so, avoid these foods for now). How often are you eating grain-based foods and in what amounts? Cutting back on these and replacing with more vegetables may help. Are you getting enough water? Are there any health issues that have not been addressed?
You may want to consider one-on-one coaching that can offer you additional support.
I hope this helps you. Please don't get discouraged!
Dr. Marci Scott
Dr. Marci -
Thank you for your input. The sensitivities I have identified are to wheat, oats, corn and citrus. I became suspicious about eating grains in my diet when I found these sensitivities. I stopped eating all grains including quinoa about 2 weeks ago and lost the 3 pounds that I had gained back while doing those trials. So, now I am not eating any grain based items at all. I consistently drink 64 oz or more daily (water). Exercise is still a challenge for me - my motivation is lacking in that area to be honest! When I worked hard to become more fit about 3 years ago, I injured myself. I do walk 20 - 30 minutes 2x week. As to the other health issues....I am not sure what you mean. :?: Also - what is the coaching program? I do not recall reading about that option.
Thanks for your time and support - Lynnette