Who has received their HCG?

I need to know who has received their HCG.



Who has received their HCG?

I received my homeopathic kit last week and plan to start over Thanksgiving. I too would like some instructions on how to use the other items in the kit.


Re: Homeopathic HCg dosing on the Blog!

herforth wrote:
JUst found the dosing for the HOmeopathic HCg on the Blog...entry for Oct.17, 08. THanks!!

flgranny33....laughed at your poem..we all do want to lose this weight- like yesterday!Caught your new post to Encouragement:Make Connections and I will reply. THrilled to see you on the thread! jotales

Can you post the link?

I am not able to locate it.




Who has received their HCG?

I recieved my Homeopathic HCG today and plan on starting it Thanks Giving.

One question;

Where are the instructions for the Homeopathic remedy?
I cant find anything about it just a audio recording.

Am I missing some information?

I bought the 67.00 package that includes the MP3 down loads and
notes but there isnt much information about the homeopathy.

Who has received their HCG?

There has been a short delay on some orders for HCG. You should be receiving yours any day now.


still waiting

I am still waiting for my homeopatic HCG


Homeopathic HCg dosing on the Blog!

JUst found the dosing for the HOmeopathic HCg on the Blog...entry for Oct.17, 08. THanks!!

flgranny33....laughed at your poem..we all do want to lose this weight- like yesterday!Caught your new post to Encouragement:Make Connections and I will reply. THrilled to see you on the thread! jotales



I have not received either my sublingual hcg or my homeopathic hcg.

the sub hcg was shipped Sept. 25th ..still not here.

So far the homeopathic isn't here either and it was ordered as soon as it was available.

I am getting very frustrated. o well .patience is a virtue
possess it if you can
always in a woman;
never in a man !



Homeopathic set arrived today

HI....just received my homeopathic HCG set today. COUld you please post exact directions sarting w/ the GB/Lvr RX. so not to mess up?!
IN one of your nesletters, I think yo mentionned the company said you could do 3gtts of the RXs. for the dose insteas of the higher label dose.jotales


I received mine last week

I received my HCG last week. It was shipped from India - which was a surprise.


Who has received their HCG?

I GOT IT! I am so happy to report that I have received my hCG in the mail today, October 20th, and I am ready to start the protocol on THURSDAY!

^^^^Doing the Happy Snoopy Dance in Colorado

Who has received their HCG?

Dr. Pearsall,

I think most are still waiting for it in the mail.