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anne0462's picture
Joined: 23 Dec 2007

I am really getting into making fermented veggies and stuff. I got a copy of Sally Fallon's Nourishing Traditions and it is great. However, most everything calls for whey. I do not have a source in Wyoming for raw dairy products and am wondering if the whey made from pasturized, store-bought yogurt will work in these recipes or if all the good bacteria has been killed by pasturization? The yogurt I have the best access to says it contains live and active yogurt cultures with acidophilus and bifidus and is low fat. Will this work? Help!

Thanks, Sherry

Dawn's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007

Hi Sherry,

Are you making kefir? If you make quark (or kefir cheese) from your kefir, that produces quite a bit of whey. Just a thought to get you started.

On the beet kvass . . . I would venture a guess that either your lid or your jar were not sterile. Using the brine should not make the food product more probable to mold. Both will produce mold if items are not sterilized. Report back on how your kvass turns out! I have never gotten mine to taste good! Purty color . . . but yuck!

I have not made the pickles from Sally's book. I use Sandor Katz' book, Wild Fermentation. Same same, except I make a huge batch (15 liters) at a time in a crock. You can eat your pickles at any point, actually. Let them ferment, and then enjoy as a condiment and refrigerate until they are gone, which in my house does not take long. By the "whey"... save your "juice" from pickles, sauerkraut, etc. I use it as a starter for like flavored ferments, I add it to soups (amazing flavor), and add it to salads, sauces, dips, and marinades.


anne0462's picture
Joined: 23 Dec 2007

Hi Dawn,
Thanks so much for the reply! I do know the brine ratio but things like fruit say they require the whey. Also, I made beet kzass a couple of weeks ago with just the brine and it developed white mold spots on the top after several days in the fridge. I thought I would try it again, using the whey. Maybe I did something wrong the first time or my kitchen was too hot or something.
Have you made the quart dill pickles (I made spears) from Sally's book? She says how long to leave them before refridgerating but does not say how long you should wait before eating them.
Thanks again,

Dawn's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007

Hi Sherry,

In a pinch, I use the clear liquid that seperates out from store bought active culture yogurt for my ferments. Absolutley!

Also, you can use a little extra brine in place of whey. If you cannot locate that added brine ratio in Sally's book, let me know and I will search it out for you.

Dawn (who has 7 things bubbling and brewing on the counter!)