Specific brand recommendations?

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mamacabbage's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2007

I was just shopping for the pantry staples, to try to get healthy food into my house. We have a wonderful natural market here in our town (surprisingly, because it's a fairly small town), and I also shop online through a food co-op. My question is, do you recommend any specific brands of food? I did find the Bubbie's brand of pickles and sauerkraut through the online co-op. I was just looking for a high-quality mustard, which is what precipitated my question. Some other items that I was wondering about were canned beans, olive and sesame oils, coconut oils, etc. Just about anything bottled or canned, do you have recommendations for those?


Dr. Winnie Abramson's picture
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Brand recommendations

I'm not sure where you live- there are variations on what is available in different parts of the country...I'd focus more on reading the labels and looking for products that are organic and contain simple ingredients. For beans there should be nothing in there besides beans, water, maybe a little sea salt or kombu...oils should be organic and unrefined...as for mustard a very good brand is Delouis Fils- they also make a delicious olive oil mayo, but its not available everywhere. Just read the labels though - you might find a great small regional company that I'm not aware of!