Restarting Again!!!! II

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herforth's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008

Well if you haven't caught me back at the NEWBIEDOBEE's thread...I've been having great difficulty posting on this Board {Encouragment:Make COnnections]
PLease go back to that thread to catch up on posts to each of you. Am trying to restart this thread to see if I can actually post here goes................oh...& after you read the latest posts back at the NewbieDobee's thread: please come back here to post and we'll see if we can get this thread running again. frustrated; it shouldn't have to be this hard,jotales

Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012
Great Results!


It's really great to see such impressive results using the homeopathic formula! Knowing that your experiences will make this process easier going forward for every one. 


anninmaine's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Restarting Again!!!! II


Did you try the homeopathic remedies?

Its so gentle.
I had a little trouble in the first week of the diet.
It made my fibro flare up and I had a mild headache, but since
then I have lost almost 25 pounds and I feel better than I ever did
having Fibromyalgia. Its really amazing to me.

See if that method will work for you instead.
For me it has completely changed my taste buds and my appetite.
When I took an interruption for a couple of days, I could taste food that was artificial or had MSG hidden in it. I enjoy plain homemade now more than anything else and my gut tells me it does too. I can eat and feel full
with a normal amount of food. Its just amazing! Liberating!

Hang in there!

jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008
Glad to see POsts

HI Footlite and congrats on your weight loss!!
I must be the o nly one who doesn;t tolerate HCG!! well, for now......I have had 2 coaching sessions this past was a consult w/ Lab over my DIagnos-Techs Test results. I really needed that consult!

SO I have plenty to do, one being a food diary...something that I detest doing.....but it will make me look at my intolerances/allergies better. I think I'm the Queen of Denial in that regard.

Been cooking, SHoveling!!!!, cleaning and orgainizing. Also throwing a birthday party for my soon to be 90y/o aunt. Literally, I am about 8 years behind in organizing paperwork......also trying to help my sister with grocery shopping...diagnosed w/ MS a year ago. THat one really gets to another sister died just 3 years ago after a 26y/o battle w/MS. Her last 10 years were horrific. At that time I thought we were done with MS in this family.
Anyway there never seems to be a dull moment.....and I'm really wanting to carve time out for my health and well-being. Oprah's MAntra of this year...really pertains to me........and alot of people who give alot.

I'm excited to hear that you are all losing weight w/ HCG! Angry that I can't tolerate it..but it does look like I have to deal w/ my added digestive issues. I'll keep posting.

footlite's picture
Joined: 18 Oct 2007
Restarting Again!!!! II

You got me thinking, Anninmaine! I was mildly sensitive to citrus and nightshades when I did the elimination diet. I haven't been eating either heavily but I have been enjoying a grapefruit and a tomato from time to time. The grapefruit are glorious this year. Guess it's time to give both of them up and see if that makes a difference. Sniff.

Once again, thanks for your insight.

footlite's picture
Joined: 18 Oct 2007
Restarting Again!!!! II

Day one for me was December 1. After the loading period (I gained five pounds!) it took me until December 24 to lose 14 pounds. I was having increasing symptoms of the fog-flu during that time, and it became quite bad the week between Christmas and New Years. The weight loss also slowed, and it took me from December 24 to January 1 to lose 2 pounds. I stayed there for three days, and now I am down a pound today for a total loss of 17 pounds. I guess I just needed to complain to start things back up! I plan to start phase three on December 13.

It sounds more linear than it was. Do other people have the experience of going up and down from one to three pounds on a daily basis? Going down is great, but gaining is really hard on the old ego! I suppose it means there's a food sensitivity involved but I don't know exactly how to identify it. It could even be detoxification from something I ate long ago. I did the elimination diet and discovered I was sensitive to just about everything I tested, especially gluten, milk and egg. Haven't had any of those since I started this diet, and it's made a big difference in the black circles under my eyes and red splotches on my face.

I'm wondering whether there's a way to remove stored toxins other than weight loss and whether it can be done while dieting, either in phase 2 or 3, or whether it's better to go off the diet, do the detox, and then go back.

I guess I need to go back to monitoring the amount of water I'm drinking. I'm constantly drinking but I could be overestimating the total volume.

I really wish more people would post their experiences on phase 3. It sounds like an important part of the healing process but there's very little info on it.

Thanks for your input!

anninmaine's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Restarting Again!!!! II

How long have you stalled? How much weight have you lost and how long have you been doing the VLCDs? Sometimes in rare cases a person will stall
for up to 2 weeks towards the end of the Round they are in. Look at what you are eating. It could be beef, a vege like onions or tomatoes. Are you rotating your proteins? Are you drinking a minimum of 2 liters of water?

Try to hang in there.

I too am a bit nervous about Phase 3.
I have heard folks recommend Atkins Induction for a week or 2
and adding only one food at a time over a couple of days or week to see if your weight fluctuates.

Good luck!

footlite's picture
Joined: 18 Oct 2007
Restarting Again!!!! II

Great to read up on how you all are doing. Congratulations on staying focused despite holidays and weather and jobs and health issues.

I'm using the homeopathic kit but a strange thing is going on . . . I'm doing great on the diet, no hunger, no real temptation to break it (and I haven't, not even once), but absolutely no weight loss since the week before Christmas. What really puzzles me is why do I have such good energy and mood if I'm not burning fat? What am I living on? Surely less than 500 calories a day isn't gonna do it! I've been very careful to keep the calorie count just under the limit.

Around the time I stopped losing I was having a lot of mental fog and an almost flu-like feeling. I have since recovered but seem to be burning no fat. I suspect the fog and illness were from stored toxins being released. I tried asking about it under "Ask a doctor" but didn't get much info, and I'm sure it's not possible to get much without being seen personally by the physician. Still, I'd love to have some tips on what to do both to restart weight loss and to avoid the fog-flu.

Next week I should start phase 3. Any tips on what to eat in that phase and how to avoid losing or gaining more than 2 pounds? My weight loss back when I was losing was very jagged . . . gaining or losing 2 pounds a day was common.

anninmaine's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Restarting Again!!!! II

Hello and Happy New Year!

I think the water is good for now.
When I took my break I was sooooo thirsty when I didnt drink the amount I had become accustomed to.

Jotales, you shouldnt be taking Krill oil with HCG, its not on the protocol.
If you have a shell fish intolerance you may be having a reaction to
the Krill. I would suspect foods too. I had the food intolerance test done
and I have tried to add back some of the foods like cabbage and I just cant eat it with out an extreme IBS response. I have heart palpitations as well and food sometimes sets it off. But, since I have been doing the HCG and eliminating all those foods Im intolerant to, I am having less than one irregular heart episode a day.

I took my break for 5 days with out HCG, gained 5 pounds, mostly water from eating foods that cause me inflammation (you'd think I would learn by now). Today I am 1 pound away from my LIW when I started the 72 hours. It is coming off fast! Better than a pound a day! I am using the homeopathic HCG and recycled it by adding the 5 drops of vodka,pure Poland Spring water then banging the bottle on a book 50 times. Its working!
I lost 1.50 pounds over night and I think it may be a bit more as my scale was wavering between 166.50 and 166.

At this point Im not sure how long I should go this round. Any one have a comment on this? Total days of HCG Homeopathic method
with a break in the middle is 30. Effective HCG days I believe is 26.

jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008
HCG Retry

Hi Anniliese and FLGranny....."granny" ..I think that is great that you lost the 15 pounds; even w hile sick..that took determination. would you try it again? Sorry to hear of your job troubles..that does sound like a mess.
COUld it be your daughter loses in that pattern? seems to me I remember someone saying that men tend to lose a pound a day...where women go in a pattern of some loss-no loss and that it is coincidental w/ her job? if not...maybe the "odors" of greas and all do make a difference. Being envoronmentally sensitive; nothing surprises me. Mercola once had an article on breathing in nanoparticles...might explain heck.
All I've been ablet o do is maintain my weight thru the Holidays...I did welll until last night , of all nites and I ate everything I haven't had in months. BAd choices!!!!! As much as I love the CHristmas Spiriti and all..this year I found it stressful....especially with the horrible weather the week of Christmas and the handling of my Aunt....helping my sick sister.
I for one am glad its over...except for visiting with one friend.....and that I can once again TRY TRY TRY to focus on something for's definitely should be my theme song.
I did try HCG again....and I'm down to wondring if the Krill Oil/HCG is bothering me...something sure is. On my third day of HCG...I thought I was coming down w/ the flu...and my heart symptoms were so strong.
I don't know how I am going to lose the weight.
Anniliese....a big congrats on your weihgt loss. Do you , personally need all of that water..maybe for you...the eight is a bit too much?

Now that we are into 2009....and may this be a Good YEar for Everyone...hopefully we can all note more consistently.....i ALWAYS ENJOY OUR DISCUSSIONS.....let us know how your Holidays were.jotales

anninmaine's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Restarting Again!!!! II

Hello Flgranny,

Hows Florida?
At least you arent having sub zero temps and 2-3 feet snow all at once.

But it is beautiful.

Yes, Im doing well, taking a break for Christmas, on my second day of
72 hours VLCD. No hunger at all and I lost another 1/2 pound over night.
Started at 182.50 and and am now at 164.50.
I feel really good too, except my lower back is aching. I think its
from drinking all the water. Im taking an herbal support tincture for my kidneys and liver that is made locally to see if it helps.

Sorry to hear of your mishaps and illness, that is never a good thing.
Well, I hope you have a wonderful Holiday and see you after Christmas
on the boards.

flgranny33's picture
Joined: 26 Sep 2008
Hello everybody!

hey it's me..flgranny..finally able to write. have been sick on and off the 45 days I did the HCG. However, I lost 15 lbs anyhow even though i had to take sudafed and tylenol and cough meds. etc. I also ate some bad stuff along the way.

So I am happy that I did well considering. have been under mucho stress too as the newspaper I throw (all nite) has started a new thing. They are no longer printing in this town but 40 miles away. Then they truck the papers here for up to throw. However, their 8.9 million dollar press broke after the first day and wwe waited for 3-5 hours each night for the papers. The temp was in the 30's..that's one reason I couldn't shake this "bug".

So they went back to printing here in town for 2 days. But they had partially dismantled this old press , so it didn't work very well.

Needless to say, it's been 2 weeks of hell! It's still not fixed and now the people are really mad and I don't blame them. Nobody likes getting their newspaper at 8 or 9 in the morning! (It's supposed to be there ay 6 am)

So now I am in phase 3 and holding. sort of..people are giving me chocolates and they are hard to resist. But I'm getting there. I still have to take cough meds and drops once in awhile so I have to watch the scale carefully.

My daughter had an interesting experience. She is in phase 2 and she works at Chic filet. She noticed that the days she works, she only loses a half pound and the rest of the days, she loses one pound. So she is absorbing the grease that is in the air there and it slows her down on those days. Crazy, huh?

I see Anninmaine is doing well. great! I like some of the meal things you are doing, Ann. How about Dawn? heard anything? Jotales, don't give up!

I know everyone is very busy right now but maybe we could keep each other posted. I'll try to be better.


anninmaine's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Restarting Again!!!! II

The two foods I am eating is the Shirataki noodles and Land O lakes
Mini Moo creamers. They contain 1 gm of fat o carbs 10 calories a piece.
I know he mentioned cottage as an allowed protein so I took my chances and gave it a try keeping track of the amount I use and the calories.
Red meat has way more fat in it so I felt like I could cheat a bit.

Yes I heard stopping HCG is reccomended for Injectable and sublingual HCG.
Perhaps homeopathic too? But I didnt want to upset status quo and kept going. There was no issue with stalling what so ever when I did this.

Yeah winter is a really hard time for me.
Lack of activity, darkness and cold.
So...Im doing well for this time of year
January, Feb, March will be the true test time, as those months are
damp bitter cold here and this usually flares up my FM.
Lately the weather has been just great for December.

jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008

Oh SO GREAT TO HEAR FROM YOU!! and a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to you!!! YOur weight loss is fantastic!! the only thing i was concernned about is if you were suppose to take the remedies while having a period? I think normally on the HCG protocol, one stops the HCG during your period. If you didn't get specific instructions..then double check w/ Dr. Kendra.
THanks too for you discussion of how you are doing the program. I think CHristmas day would be a good loading day for me gives me another week of B/P control and then I'll be able to tell better if the remedy is again causing my b/p to go up. I really hope I can handle it!!!

I've got food prepared from my first try.

Sounds like Justjan is doing well (HCG DISCUSSIONS)

What are these 2 lil' things that you are eating...(not plan but working for you) ? not sure I know what they are..but will be great to see if your FM improves also. Keep us posted...glad your aches are over now too!!!.jotales

anninmaine's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Restarting Again!!!! II

Yeah Im disapointed that the forum isnt more active.
Oh well....

Im doing great Jotales!

I had a couple of days in the first or second week where I felt achy and almost headachy but that passed. I take a continous BCP and normally dont bleed and I had a very long heavy period that just stopped today. But I didnt stop the remedies and I took it easy. I still lost weight too. So far I have lost 15 pounds as of this morning over the past 16 VLCD days.
A couple of times I stayed at the same weight for 2 days, then lost 1.50- 2 pounds the 3rd day. My body still aches a bit but not everyday and I hope my kidneys are okay as all this water is really working them pretty hard.
Im drinking Tulsi tea in the am and have one cup of decaf mid day with 2-3 mini Moos. I know they are not on protocol, but it works for me at this time.
I think beef stalls me and fruit twice a day stalls me. I am not wanting to eat kale or any of the veges besides grape tomatoes and cukes. I do a bit of lettuce occasionally. I also have been eating Shirataki noodles that are simular to Miracle noodles. I buy them locally. When I eat apples I only eat 100 grams and only once a day. Im mostly eating white fish, wild shrimp and a small amount of chicken. Im not eating 500 cals. I actually forgot to eat dinner this evening so I made some haddock and cukes for supper. Im not fond of peeing in the middle of the night as I need sleep for the FM but its worth it. Im going to be doing a 40 day round with a short 2-3 break over Christmas.

Blood pressure is great and blood sugars are fantastic!
I had a fasting blood sugar last week of 82. I was at 94 before HCG.
Plus my gut is feeling better, no more IBS.

When are you starting again?
My hubby is starting around Christmas with is loading days.


jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008
Posting Again

WOW! No one posted since NOv. 30th? I finally got thru the fire inspection....I cleanned till I dropped!!! but in the time left so papers got s hoved into cabinets....hope to attack them during January.
I've gotten my B/P in better control w/ only 2 of my med. and 2 cups of Tulsi tea a day. That Tulsi tea is doing something positive for me.
Sleeping great.and B/P lower in a.m. so I'm almost ready to restart HCg...but htis time take only the homeopathic HCG and monitor closely.
I've lost a whopping 1 pound. Am hoping that after Christmas...things will settle down and I can concentrate more on me. I'm still researching infa-red saunas. are you doing on the HCG?? would love to hear your experience. HOw are you , DAWN? Patrice? FLGRANNY?.jotales

anninmaine's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Restarting Again!!!! II

Hello, I started my VLCD today and it wasnt too bad.
Except I did notice how bad my food addictions are .
When ever I saw or smelled food not on the protocol
I was soooo wanting to eat some or taste some.
Not out of hunger mind you....

I am very head strong and will full, so cheating is not on the menu for me.
(I quit smoking cigs 12 years ago cold turkey, and have never gone back)

I did notice that Im tired this afternoon and I am having a tough time drinking enough water. I've been trying to add in other types of fluid like tea and soda water with stevia flavoring.

I just ate my dinner and Im full! WOW!

I lost a couple of pounds on the first day loading then gained 3 pounds over nite the next day. I attribute much of this to water gain. I felt really uncomfortable gorging with all that food ugh! But I did the 3 days of loading due to having had drastic weight loss in the past (30 years ago) by not eating enough food and having serious anxiety.

jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008
How's Everybody??

Boy it's been quiet over the Holiday!!! WOndering how everyone has been eating. I'm getting on the scale tom. and I thinking I have not I've not over done it. since this is the 3rd day past should be your last loading day..have you lost some? as some of us did on the laoding days...which is a wonderful surprise in our way of thinking.
JustJan has just also started; so you will have a companion in time for your HCG plan. YOu might find her on the HCG dosages thread.

I've got family( extra obligations still for this week) ontop of the fire inspection a week from tom. I really need the whole week for the inspection so I'm hooping the family keeps theirselves glued together. and that somehow the organizing goes easily for me :roll: . Say a ton of prayers that this gets done!

It will be great to hear how you all did during the Holiday...was thinking of you all.....jotales

anninmaine's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Restarting Again!!!! II

Thanks for posting that Jotales.
I am starting the HCG on Thanks Giving.
Good day to start loading!

anninmaine's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Restarting Again!!!! II

Yes I found the link to the HCG instructions, Dr Pearsall sent an email out
in regards to this. How is everyone doing?

Sounds like its been a tough time for you. I can relate, with the Fibro
I have many down days, but I try to just take it easy and do something gentle.

Sauna is great for detoxing and relaxing. You must like the heat.
I would try it first before buying one as it can raise blood pressure if you
are heat sensitive. I would love to have one, I use to sauna all the time.
I read some where that the infra red speeds up weight loss for some people.

I do have the extra dropper bottles but my hubby has decided to pass. Not ready I guess.

Lately I have been dropping weight much to my surprise!
I noticed since avoiding the foods that Im intolerant to that my appetite has
gone way down. If I eat even the littlest bit of egg, I feel ill as well. Its so strange as I never felt like that with eggs before in past years. Or maybe my body was telling me its always been a problem, but all the other stuff was over powering the egg allergy. Hmmmm? Anyhoo I passed a plateau I've been at since last Summer and Im gearing up for the HCG diet starting either
Wednesday or Thursday. Does it matter what day you start?

Im feeling sooo ready for this and I believe my digestion is going to appreciate the break as well for the up coming 26 days of HCG.

jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008
did you find how to extend the remedies?

Anninmaine...have you come across the instructions on how to expand your remedies? years ago , you could get empty dropper bottles from the pharmacist for free. then yo has to pay for th em. so I am wondering if you can get bottles and then follow the instructions on how to keep the remedies going.....that way you can each have your own sets.

I have not been feeling well and have had furnace trouble poor LL...brand new furnace and it has yet to work. They are coming back again this Monday pm to re-pipe it! First it was supposively rewired backwards, then the heat pump was out, and now the pipes are in reverse. HELLO!! are these men still working for this company? IF I were her, I'ld be seeing red.
Then I was given a week's notice for a fire inspection...(luckily it has just been extended) so I cont. w/ cleanning and organizing. (trouble is I've got some 20+ years of stuff to deal with. ) Probably not all that much stuff (paper chase here)certainly nothing much of value; but my energy level is so low and I am sooooo slow. Someone else could probably whip this place in shape in little time.
My father comes to town tom. so that will be nice and will stay in the area for two weeks. SO somehow I have to fillout my paperwork for my consult.and get to me!! am I the only one who has that problem of finding time/energy for yourself???

How's it going w/ everyone.? I walked yesterday w/ the cane...yet knee didn't do well...I really miss exercise. I am slowly gainning my 5#'s that I lost on the 5 days of HCG :cry: am seriously thinking of getting an infared sauna unit of some sort as i can hardly exercise. HAs anyone tried that type of sauna?
So THanksgiving is right around the corner and I'm sure everyone is quite busy. Hope you are doing great on HCG/ENlita Plan...haven't heard from Patrice in awhile.

anninmaine's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Restarting Again!!!! II

Thanks for the tip.

My hubby is thinking of doing this with me, but we want to share the bottles.
Trouble is he is in school some days and doesnt get home until 5pm.

How do we both use the same remedy bottle?
It says take first thing in the am and then mid morning or mid afternoon.
Can he take it later in the day?

anninmaine's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Restarting Again!!!! II

Yes its not real clear what the dosages are and someone mentioned taking the liver support a week early?

There needs to be a link for the homeopathic method that we can reference.

jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008
Homeopathic HCG Instructions

Annimaine...I found this in the Enlita Store...under the Homeopathic HCG KIT. SOmeone else was confused about the #of times one takes the Liquitrophics.....their dose is not in drops but in one tsp. I think Dr. Priscilla said to take the adrenoliquitrophic one time a day...but maybe someone else can tell you about the liquitrophics/post the ? in "Ask the Dr" Forum or contact

"I was astounded at how easy and how speedy this program worked. Just take some homeopathic drops, follow the eating plan and watch the abnormal fat just soften and then it gets eliminated! My body feels completely different through this process. Rolls are vanishing! I can't wait to wake up and get on the scale. At least a pound a day gone with no hunger. It's unbelievable - I've got to tell everyone about this!" ~ C. Birch*

*Results Not Typical (This statement is mandated by the FDA.)


Kit Includes:

· HCG Formula-(homeopathic hCG)

· Weight Med- (glandular support and metabolism booster)

· Metabolic 1-(glandular support and metabolism booster)

· Hepato Liquitrophic (Liver support)

· Adreno Liquitrophic (Adrenal support)

The homeopathic kit has enough for a 23 day supply. If you are going to do the protocol more than 23 days, then we recommend purchasing two kits.* The average weight loss per round of 23-40 days ranges from 17-30 pounds (depending on if you are a woman or man as men lose more weight than women do.)

Choose how many rounds you would like to do depending of the amount of weight you need to lose.

Directions: (directions are also on the labels)

1. First thing in the morning, and again mid-morning or mid-afternoon, take 7 drops each of the first three homeopathic formulas one after another. Take 20 minutes away from food and 60 minutes away from mint (like toothpaste and coffee). It is helpful to bang the bottle against your palm 10 times before you take the remedy to activate it.

2. Liquitrophics: Use a plastic spoon and take 1 tsp. of each with food. Keep at temperatures of 40-70 degrees or refrigerate. Refrigerate if not used within 30 days.

If you cannot afford two kits you can make your remedies last longer with the following method which is not as precise but theoretically should work. When there is ¼ liquid left in the bottle, add 7 drops of Everclear, Vodka or some high proof alcohol to act as a preservative and fill the rest of the bottle up with distilled water. Bang the remedy against a book 50 times (succussion). Continue to take your remedy. This can be done indefinitely.

anninmaine's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Restarting Again!!!! II

My HCG has arrived but I dont see instructions any where as to how
to use the homeopathic system.

Is there a link for that somewhere?


jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008
HOw Long?

Anninmaine...HI! it took 2 weeks for me to get it. WHen you submit your order I think they say it can take between "x"days to 2 weeks. After that..if you don't get it, I would call / email LeAnn at Support to make sure they have the order. I did all of that before the 2weeks and probably drove her nuts......sorry to say...but I thought it was coming from Mercola's store and I always got that so quickly. I bet it comes this week for you! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you :wink:

OGosh, DAWN: i posted a reply to your superman powers on the HCG
Discussion:Dosages thread.......I'm getting confused between our posting places :oops:

So I'm off to cook some protein..because when my food is not prepared; I end up cheating and then I have to weave some tales :roll: as to why jotales is not losing weight :wink:

anninmaine's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Restarting Again!!!! II

WOW great will power Dawn!

I read somewhere that you could eat a tsp of coconut oil
if you were hungry. Cant remember if it was the HCG diet
or Enlita. But I believe it was reccomended as it helps the metabolism.

Anyone else read about this some where?

PS how long does it take to receive the homeopathy version
of HCG? I ordered mine on November 7th. Still waiting for it to arrive.

Dawn's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Restarting Again!!!! II

Hi All!

I've been swamped with things here and apologize for not keeping up with posts :).

I am glad you are doing OK, Jotales, on switching back to the Enlita plan. Still loosing is good :lol:.

How are the rest of you all doing?

I gotta tell you that I am having a rough time! I am not hungry, not thirsty, and having no trouble sticking to the Simeon protocol to a "T", but I have had cravings come up that I just do not usually deal with at all. I am craving CHEESE, quinoa, and butter!!!! Preferably all in the same dish! I have been doing EFT, NLP, positive affirmations . . . nada.

And then I finally decided to just make it. Yep. I made a wonderful cheesy casserole with the above ingredients and added in some Brussels sprouts (the other thing I am craving) and just SMELLED it. Oh, that was heaven. I even dished it up for my family just so I could get, you know, the full effect of the texture and aromas. M-m-m-m-m good. It was wonderful. I never ate a bite, didn't even lick my fingers, had gloves on the whole time so I didn't get any fats on my hands, but just making this and SMELLING it was a good thing for me. Oh-and my family LOVED it. :)

This is a very difficult time of the year to be doing this restrictive of a diet, but that probably means it is the BEST time to do it! (I'll hold on to that thought.)

Hey, the other thing I am craving is coconut oil and coconut cream. I used coconut oil daily on my skin and in cooking. Jeesh . . . I cannot wait for PHASE 3!

OKAY! Enough whining from me!!!! I just had to get all that OUT!

^^^^Colorado (P2, R1, D13, SL, -9.6#)

jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008
"Fluid Loss"

HI....lost another pound of fluid since yesterday b y following the Enlita Plan...but body fat remains the same. Hope to start some weights or something next week as I am quite restricted by my knees.

jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008
Still GOING! LIke the Everready Bunny!

Man...not getting much sleep as I'm still voiding alot! Up 2 times a nite in pain. Lost another pound "down the drain" shall I say :lol: since yesterday! even though not on HCG program.
Following my ALCAT results...have yet to work in rotation. I always find rotation so hard to do; I think it would require another level of organization and prep. for me. Maybe I will get there,too.

Next step is to work more into organic. Hope you are all having a GOOD
ENLITA/HCG Day!!!...jotales


jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008

THanks Anninmaine...your story does give me hope that things can be changed for the better.
I was editing that one post that dissappeared when I suddenly realized I was running out of time for a committment. I then just deleted it and was going to post later but Dawn did a wonderful job of picking up the topic.

Hoping to hear a reply to my "Ask the Drs" ?s.

I gainned 2.5#s after going off the HCG...hoope I do't gainit all back!!!!
Am going to follow my ALCAT results...most of that includes everything on the elimination diet anyway.

For B: I had salmon, a side of Quinoa, and cucumber
S= a few macadamia nuts.
I tried that new tea-Tulsa Tea..i really like it. Need to review what the benefits are.

anninmaine's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Restarting Again!!!! II

About a year ago I had a saliva test panel for hormones, gliadin sensitivity and insulin.

I am now 49 almost 50 @ 185 pounds, 5ft 5

The results showed my adrenals had nearly reached failure.
My DHEA levels were also low and my Cortisol levels were cranking up after
11 pm which consequently kept me awake half the night.
Normally at this clinic, (The New England Womens center) they treat with natural means such as dyglizzerized licorice. (sorry about the spelling)
I was instead put on oral hydro cortisone. That steriod I believe is what up set the wagon. For the next 3 months I had severe IBS. At the next followup I asked to quit the steroid and switched to licorice tincture (couldnt find the other kind locally), which worked!
But, my Bp slowly crept up. So, after about 6 months we did the saliva test again and the results were excellent. I stopped the licorice. My DHEA levels were good along with the rest of the hormone panel. But, alas my gut has not recouped.

The other thing she prescribed me was a low dose BCP called Kariva.
It balanced out my estrogen and progesterone. No more hot flashs.

BTW the woman FNP I see was mentored by Christiane Northrup, M.D. and I feel really confident in the treatment she chose for me.

So I realize we are all different but I think sharing our stories could be helpful when we are unable to find a solution to our own issues.

That ALCAT blood test really woke me up to how food effects our well being in a most dramatic kind of way. If you have allergies this is a test that would be very helpful.

jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008
Estrogen Imbalance

Flgranny...sounds like you are doing more bunco :lol:

I'm doing research on the DIM & I-3-C which is Indole-3-Carbinol.
Basic info on the Vit. Shoppe's website...also
several companies all the way up to Allergy research, Pure Encapsulations, DiVinci, etc. jumping over to Ask the Dr. a ? to see what they Rx. for estrogen balance.

DAWN...Enlita Lessons...Week 8, Day #3 talks about Estrogen...i didn't realize that Estrogen drives the Sympathetic Nervous System! I'm beginning to wonder how I am alive! :lol: But my PCP says my results aren't as bad as she has there is HOPE.

Sorry about the "gtts" its a medical abbreviation and they creep into my notes...habit. Over the years, friends have gotten a laugh out of them...jotales

flgranny33's picture
Joined: 26 Sep 2008
hey y'all

Wow! I am amazed at all the allergies etc. that both dawn and Jotales have !

You do sound like twins. I know that you are doing the right thing tho , eating right and staying away from modern allergens.

As for me, I am only allergic to penicillin and marigolds and bacitracin.

Sorry you can't continue on the hcg..maybe later on, I hope.
I am losing weight but I cheated with a cookie last night..went to bunco!
So I gained a half pound..but what the heck! it took a long time to gain it so I guess it will take awhile to lose it :)
I am babysitting my twin grandkids today so I will be walking them later on. They are 10 months and like to ride in the stroller and I get my exercise.

Cya Flgranny33

Dawn's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Restarting Again!!!! II

WOW, Jotales, I think we just may be TWINS :).

Thanks for sharing. It is so good (and so sad at the same time) to know others have experienced the same things as me. (Sad because I certainly feel for what you went through and I am sorry.) I am happy at least that you had some experts (? :shock:) working with you on it. I actually had to learn almost all of this on my own. TONS and tons of research and being my own lab rat. Most "experts" around here labeled me as "malingering" and "a head case" when I tried to reach out for help. I am not sure which was the better way-help sometimes just makes things worse and both ways are very isolating-but in the end, I know we've learned what is most important: Listen to your body above listening to ANYONE else.

Thanks, friend! {{{HUG}}} <--That's a "bear hug" here in Colorado, you know .

gtts=drops???? Why don't they just write "drops"??? You are only saving yourself 1 letter? Is this a homeopathic term? I don't know much at all about homeopathic medicine, although I have used several homeopathic remedies successfully in the past. That is my next major area of research.

^^^^Colorado (P2R1D10, SL, -6.3#)

jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008


jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008
THanks for Sharing!

Well after 4 days of trouble w/ 2 furnaces @different locations, I think they are finally working as they should. My PCP gave me the results of my Diagnos-Techs Lab results....Adrenal panel and Expanded GI panel. .......I've got alot of work to do!!!! 20+ years of GI complaints and I have yet to really get a handle on them/cure them. EGADS..but I'll talk about that later.
Dawn if you are long-winded...I'm your twin sister! so please don't apologize for "talking".

Annimaine...thanks for sharing....I was blown away by both (Dawn, too....thanks soooo much for your encouragement) of your candid discussions. We could write that book together!
I developed PVC's last year summer w/ higher B/P. We think cold-laser therapy on my knees started it and then they got worse when a D.C. used some sonar machine on my knees. Years ago accupuncture gave me some mild and temporary heart symptoms.
FOr the PVC's... I didn't tolerate most of the meds they tried in the hospital nor potassium supplementation. I told the Drs. I didn't tolerate potassium..but unless they see it for themselves...they don't believe it. Took 6 months to stabalize on a beta-blocker. I am frequently amazed by the amount of suffering that goes on! Gainned 30#s on a beta-blocker! My cardiologist said it should have only made me gain only 2-3#s! (Another thing I"ve done wrong?) I was already and still (except for the HCG program.).taking COd LIver Oil first and then switching to Krill Oil. The oils have not taking my PVC's away. Hoping someone knows something else that might work .

Back to the "fun part of living w/ E.I./Allergies/Sensitivities."....20+ years ago,I was in an Environmental Illness Unit. Ironically the very drs. that made me worse were also the only drs. who believed in it and the only ones who knew anything to do for it. By the time I got out of there...I was down to 101#s and had a WBC of 1.1 ! It took 7 years before I could take a nutritional supplement. I nearly passed out smelling Kyolic Garlic thru its cellaphane -enclosed box. And the week after the snow thawed...I could actually smell grass grow!!! No kidding....frigid Feb. and the grass smelled like someone just mowed it right under my nose! (gratefully it now only smells that way when someone actually mows it)
Name a technique-I've probably tried it. So yes, I could write a book!

The one thing I never did, Dawn, was move away from a large city. At one point they wanted me to go live in Wacko, Texas in one of those metal trailers....but I was soooo ill, I couldn't see me alone in another state. I have often wondered if I had spent a year in Colorado or somewhere more -removed....would I have gotten alot better? Early on a boyfriend took me to MI. Upper Penninsula for a vacation. I felt so much better that I was able to golf 3 days in a row and feel like a normal person. As we drove by symptoms came crawling the early days...this stuff used to even surprise me!! I always thought there must be a way to get better and still remain in society. (this illness would be fascinating to read about; but to live?!)
I am actually somewhat better...but never could return to work either. Seems like every time I almost licked one problem; another started so I couldn't ever gain ground. I remain extremely sensitive/allergic compared to the "normal" person.
I know all about financial ruin, Dawn, and all the rest that goes w/ this Illness. I can't think of it on a daily basis or I would go nuts. This illness is SO ISOLATING. You are lucky to have your family as mine pretty much treated it as if it was my problem to deal with. A boyfriend once said that he was patiently waiting for me to get well. And believe you me....he was waiting for me to figure it all out and cure myself so then he could reap the benefits of my Goodness! Thank God for the phone calls from wonderful women friends!

This illness never ceases to amaze!

Looks like we are all survivors!!! YEAH FOR US!!!!

For now I am off the HCG and quite dissapointed in that.
My cortisol levels are elevated all day except midnight.
Have several bacterial issues and mild Candida.

So where is Patrice? looks like I'm w/ you for now on the reg.Enlita PLan.....and

flgranny and Dawn....I'll be jealous ;but happy to hear that you are still losing weight!.......& (I win over Dawn..the very long-winded )...jotales

anninmaine's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Restarting Again!!!! II


Thanks for sharing that info about your self.

Yes, nutritional therapy is working for me, as I am really starting to feel
what foods are okay, and which ones make me feel bad or cause a reaction.

Any idea what gtts means?

Dawn's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Restarting Again!!!! II

anninmaine wrote:
Jotales, I have simular sensitivities and a irregular heart rhythm thats been checked out by a cardiologist and is relieved with Carlsons Cod Liver oil. I believe its the EPAs that help and the Vit D.

Hi AnnInMaine,
I am not Jotales, but I have irregular heart rhythms as well and after having 2 cardiac ablation surgeries for very serious electrical issues, I have also controlled the remaining PVC's and other irregular rhythms with Carlson's Cod Liver Oil in the winter months and Krill oil in the summer. Isn't it great to find out what our body needs?


Dawn's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Re: IS There a BRidge Over Troubled Waters?

jotales wrote:
what I would really love is a cure for Environmental Allergies and allergies(whatever you call them)!!

I don't know about a cure, but I can tell you what me and my family did. We were desperate to find help for me as I was reacting to everything. EVERYTHING. Fibers, scents, foods, additives, chlorine in the city water, etc, etc, etc, including the "usual" toxic stuff. I had visions of me living in a bubble for the rest of my life. When I got to the point where I either could not have guests over or I had to give them clothes to wear (their fabric softeners really set me off) at the door, we knew we needed to make big changes.
    *We had already, over a period of 3-4 years, removed everything from our home that was emitting any type of vapor, toxin, scent, etc. and all my clothes had to be organic. I am talking no carpet, no particle board, no cleaning chemicals, no fibers that were not organic and natural fibers, etc. *We put filters on the main water line, but even this did not help completely. I needed non-chlorinated water (well water).
    *I had already been forced to quit working outside the home. I basically never left my house!
    *I made all our own cleaning supplies and personal care products. (Including monthly supplies)
    *All our food was organic or homegrown and (of course) "whole". Nothing processed.
    *We eliminated the microwave about 15 years ago.
Well anyway, you get the idea. (I could write a book on what we did!) So, feeling we had done everything within our power to make the home environment safe for me, and when it still was not enough to allow my own immune system to "heal" and settle down, we decided to move. Removing everything causing reactions from our house was not enough, so we moved US.
We bought a place out in the middle of nowhere on a well. We still applied all the safeguards we had used at our old house in the city, but the buffer of having space from other's unintentional, but none the less toxic, lifestyles, combined with good well water, I really believe is what helped my body to finally turn that corner and heal.

15 years of this depleted all of our savings, investments, valuables and we've been struggling since to keep our heads above water, financially. But you know what? Very few things bother my immune system anymore and even when I do react, it usually does not require a ER visit as it often did in the past. I am back to the living and feel like a human being again.! :D

The only thing I have not ever been able to correct was this weight gain. Enlita was so very close to what I had already been doing on my own, (and the program did help me learn about food sensitivities and addressing those, plus I learned WHY my body was hanging on to fat-it was a protective measure!), but even with using the Enlita program VERY strictly I did not lose any weight.

THAT was hard. I felt I finally got to my salvation, and then it didn't work. But, you know, I am a positive minded person and I believe everything happens for a reason. After all, Enlita led me to hCG and lots of new hCG friends and now I am losing weight and I feel great!

That's probably TMI and way more than what you were asking! If you made it this far (God bless ya!), I hope something you read here about what we did can help.
^^^^Colorado (who apologizes for being so long-winded!)

anninmaine's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Restarting Again!!!! II

Jotales, I have simular sensitivities and a irregular heart rhythm thats been checked out by a cardiologist and is relieved with Carlsons Cod Liver oil.
I believe its the EPAs that help and the Vit D.

I also have many food intolerances as well.
Did you say you are doing homeopathy for the HCG?
It may be that you need to reduce your dose a bit.
When I take homeopathy prescribed by a MD there are times
I dont take it for a day or 2 then resume.

Perhaps if you were actually pregnant your BP would go up?
Also, I would think drinking loads of water as required would give your
kidneys quite a work out as well. Fluid retention equals HBP.
Just some random thoughts. I would be curious to hear what the docs say about it.

Can you please tell me what gtts represents?

jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008
IS There a BRidge Over Troubled Waters?

Hey! see my hcg discussion under MEasurements....I'm late to leave for the city....5# loss in 5 days...MAN IS THAT WONDERFUL...BUT having not so wonderful symptoms and it is raising my b/p. So for now I am off it...since yesterday and taking the PUrple Defense(just one a day so far) as I had some of that in the house.

Am going to ask the enlita drs. for ideas on if there is still a way for me to use know...I need a bridge over troubled waters. Well. certainly goes w/ my sensitivity history. what I would really love is a cure for Environmental Allergies and allergies(whatever you call them)!!
We can land men on the moon!!!!

ANxious to hear how PAtrice is doing...if I recall correct, you should be on week 6????? HOpe to note in on TUesday..........jotales

Dawn's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Re: More Water Weight Gone

jotales wrote:
I've lost 3.5#s in 4 days. All water weight as my body fat % went from 45 to 48!

Wow-you are dropping! Did you gain when you were loading? I gained only .3 the first day and then I dropped almost a pound a day--while loading! I didn't expect that, and I hope it is not because I do not have enough abnormal fat ('cause we know THAT ain't true). Wait and see . . .
I am NOT TIRED as some of you are reporting.

I am very tired. Not sleepy, really. More like low on energy. I am glad you are not having to deal with that along with the BP increase.

I love this!!

Holding hands across the superhighway in support of each other!

Patrice-I am also interested in what you found out on the egg testing. I found that I could eat RAW eggs just fine, but cooked eggs definitely caused a reaction.

All, check in and share an update!


jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008
More Water Weight Gone

Hi Group!
Today I start R-1,D#5,P-2
I've lost 3.5#s in 4 days. All water weight as my body fat % went from 45 to 48! One big downside is that my B/P is definitely up. I'm allowed to take 3 doses of my med a day; but lately (before diet) was able to get by w 1 or 2 max. Today I will try the 3 a day...but if it doesn't come down I will definitely have to talk to the drs. @ enlita about this.
Yes...I'm still voiding alot....up 2 x's a night for 4 days now. Just to be clear...I only wanted to cheat like crazy from 5pm of so last nite. Really missed not having a meeting last nite....but by next week there will be more feedback on how everyone is doing.
I am NOT TIRED as some of you are reporting.
Holding hands accross the superhighway in support of each other! are you and your family member doing on Plan?

Patrice...did you start week#6 of Enlita? what did you ever decide about your egg test? Did you conclude that you were sensitive? and are hence avoiding them? do you do all of those things you are involved in? I'm impressed!.......jotales

jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008
Was Ready to QUit

HI...yes it looks like we are the 3 Muskateers..[but I hate to think of that candy bar right now. :wink: ] Sorry to be a tad AWOL but I am into cleanning.
Dawn: I was thinking that when I get my place cleanned again..I will need a hobby...was thinking of knitting/crocheting. Dawdled in it when I was young, like 11! You would have smiled at my first and only vest and winter gloves! My first couple of projects...(when you are young you think you can do it!!! :roll:)

Flgranny33..hey...glad to see you on the HCg at the same time too..this is so helpful to me to have support.
My B/P med just wasn't working against my readings....that was really weird...still is to some extent but I did have one nice lower reading after my morning dose today. My pressure is borderline..well acatually labile, but I am on the med to control strong PVC's that I came down w/ last year summer. I am hoping that they are d/t "fat" and that if I get down maybe they will go away. Have read this online for a number of people. Well, It's a good goal to strive for! ALso I am having heavy heart pounding..I feel every beat and also the pulsation of my abdominal aorta. Seems to me I've got PLENTY of fat where I shouldn't have to feel that! :roll: Will this work out?? Bravery...or is it foolishness? but I still kept at it and took another dose yesterday. Called "Support"..if I'm still having issues..I'll try a consult next. I did have strong heart pounding on the GB/Liver remedy. I am just on the Weight Loss and Weight Off remedies as some of the other remedies have some items that might affect my PVC's.
During my loading days I was ravenously hungry..though I was taking lower gtts....d/t my sensitive nature...I decided to start low and build up to the 7 gtts. And I am having some symptoms. Anyway what a shock that I dropped 1.5#s this morning......well I have been getting up 2x's a nite to it shouldn't have been THAT surprising.
Today..I was truly hungry after my morning HCG(homeopathic) but did just fine all day until around5-5:30pm after I ate my lunch apple. I am definitley spreading the feast out! Boy could I ever cheat but have used sheer will not to.....I actually have a dinner yet to's late for dinner...tomorrow's goal will be to do better timing of the meals.
Being prepared is the only wat to go! orI wouldn't be able to do this.

Saw this "Dressing recipe" in a low car book last nite. Enlita might have similar one.....2tsp. apple cider vinegar and couple gtts of stevia extract(I use BodyEcology's).....I poured it over 1C. finely shredded cabbage at lunchtime. Pepper and touch of salt. Yum!

Now i'm off to late dinner. Another goal is to get to bed earlier.
Thanks for posting! jotales

flgranny33's picture
Joined: 26 Sep 2008
day 4

Jotales and Dawn....

how are you doing?
I am on the 500 cal diet now and I was a bit hungry just before supper.
However, after I ate, I was really full!

How about you folks? Hope you are doing well.


Dawn's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Re: ampules

flgranny33 wrote:
this is flgranny and I don't have ampules for the hcg. The only ampule I have is the saline one which I discard because I am using colloidal silver to mix with the hcg.

What she said! :D


Dawn's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Re: Ampuoles

jotales wrote: did you do on openning the ampuole?

I have the HuCoG brand, and I would have saved my self a lot of worry if I had opened up the box! There is one ampule in there, but I have the metal cap type of hCG rather than the glass ampule, so it was easy!

Now, dealing with the moody 1 ml syringes was another story :wink:


flgranny33's picture
Joined: 26 Sep 2008

this is flgranny and I don't have ampules for the hcg. The only ampule I have is the saline one which I discard because I am using colloidal silver to mix with the hcg.

I posted on the hcg discussions forum starting today.


jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008
Ampuoles did you do on openning the ampuole?

jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008
Started Homeopathic HCG today I started Day#1 of the loading days. Oddly my B/P was up today BEFORE I took the HCG..wondering if it had to do w/ the food I ate yesterday. I ate some of the wheat breadsticks....before my HCG di et and I had been off wheat for awhile. took my medicine and then the HCG and my B/P never went down as usual. SO I will have to monitor this.

Read LeAnn's blog...she is not losing much. 2#'a in a week, though I don't think she has alot to lose. start today on Loading. this will be interesting.

LeAnn...did your HCG injections ever arrive?

How's everyone else doing?.........jotales