Quinoa and Black Bean salad

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KarenK's picture
Joined: 2 Jan 2008

Iam on day 15 and just finished my first meal of this dish and while I thought that it was fair to good I didn't feel satisfied after my meal. I know the servings say 8, but would that be a cup, 12 oz., or 2 cups? I'm not sure if I had enough to make a meal and wonder if that was why I was still hungry. I went ahead and ate my apple with almond butter, but still found myself not satisfied. I just ate a tablespoon of coconut cream and I am feeling more satiated.

Could the fat contenet not be high enough for me in this particular dish? Or would this be considered a sensitivity to the grain? This is the first time in 2 weeks that I have felt this way.

I believe I am a very strong protein type, and have not typically done well with carbs.

Thanks for your help!

KarenK's picture
Joined: 2 Jan 2008
Quinoa salad

Dr. Winnie Abramson,

I did eat the Roast beef with the Quinoa yesterday, I even measured it out to 2 ounces. After I ate the extra coconut cream I felt fine and needed nothing else.

This morning when I had the salad for breakfast, I had the same feeling, although I didn't have any roast beef with it. I was full, but still wanted....something. Anyway, I again ate a tablespoon of coconut cream and that seemed to satiate me.

Would this be considered a sensitivity?


Dr. Winnie Abramson's picture
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
black bean and quinoa salad

Add a few ounces of turkey or roast beef and some allowable mayo or additional oil to the meal and see how you do.
Dr. Winnie Abramson