Questions about eating on the HCG diet

You have advertised the miracle noodle to your readers - no calories and no carbs - only fiber. Are these allowed on the plan? I am concerned about constipation and this seems like a good way to fill, add fiber and take care of the above concern at the same time.



Pounds and Inches

I would recommend reading Pounds and Inches, as mentioned below. I know that it covers some of these questions.


Turkey made me sleepy

Hi everybody,

just to let you know my experience with turkey - this may be individual but also may be a reason why Dr. Simeons wasn't keen on it.

I know that turkey is full of tryptophan which makes us tired but didn't expect to literally doze off within 30min of eating 4 oz of turkey for lunch. For dinner, I was wide awake before I ate, and within 30min - whoosh, gone again. Amazing! I didn't have this experience with any other protein. To make double-sure, I tested it again yesterday. Had lots of sleep the night before, felt wide-awake, ate some turkey - and fell asleep again.

So turkey is off my menu except for Thanksgiving/Christmas and I won't have to drive afterwards!



Questions about eating on the HCG diet

anninmaine wrote:
In regards to cottage cheese. Is low fat or no fat acceptable. Is there a label that says skim milk cottage cheese?

I think that is a fine question for the Docs here! I'd love to know the answer to that one as well. I usually make my own cottage cheese, but that is from fully fatted raw milk, so I know that is out. I hope you get an answer here soon. The thing is, they probably didn't even have "low fat" or "non-fat" or at least things were not labeled that way back in Simeon's day. I am hoping they are one and the same, but I guess what we need is a fat%, carb%, Protein% of what we CAN eat so we can read the label for ourselves.

If what you say about lack of appetite falls true for me as well, then I wont have any issues with the lack of variety.

I don't want to kid you. It still takes tremendous willpower to stay on this diet. You seriously have to want to do it and then you must focus on other things-NOT the foods you can't have-to be able to ignore the great eats around you and stick to the protocol. I hope your appetite is non-existent for you as it is for me. It's really the only way I can do this. I love to COOK and create in the kitchen, but I also enjoy sampling what I make. So far, scenting all the aromas has been enough for me, because I am NOT hungry.

It is not easy, but it is the easiest fastest way I know to take the weight off permanently. THAT'S really what drives me to complete this and keeps me sticking to the protocol to the letter. I do NOT want to EVER have a weight issue again.



Questions about eating on the HCG diet

Yes I have read the material.

But I cant eat egg whites.

In regards to cottage cheese.
Is low fat or no fat acceptable.
Is there a label that says skim milk cottage cheese?

If what you say about lack of appetite falls true for me as well, then I wont have any issues with the lack of variety.


Questions about eating on the HCG diet

Here is the paragraph from Pounds & Inches on eggs and cottage cheese:

Many patients ask why eggs are not allowed. The contents of two good sized eggs are roughly equivalent to 100 grams of meat, but fortunately the yolk contains a large amount of fat, which is undesirable. Very occasionally we allow egg - boiled, poached or raw - to patients who develop an aversion to meat, but in this case they must add the white of three eggs to the one they eat whole. In countries where cottage cheese made from skimmed milk is available 100 grams may occasionally be used instead of the meat, but no other cheeses are allowed.

Have you read Pounds & Inches? A downloadable copy is available under the teleclass tab as well as in the yahoo group, hcgdieters.

Yep-totally agree. Very restrictive diet, which can be very boring . . . if you are focucing on FOOD. Because of that aspect, I am focusing on weightloss and I am choosing to appreciate this diet's simplicity. Since I am not hungry like EVER, it is pretty easy to remain focused. I certainly WANT to eat when I am cooking great meals for my family and smelling all these good aromas . . . but I am focusing on weight loss and the fact that in 2009 there will be a lot less of me around :). That gets me though. Most times. The times when it doesn't, I go for a walk or work on a project somewhere away from where they are eating. If I was better at EFT I would be doing that at those time as well.

It's tough, I know, to be further restricted with your food intolerances. You just have to decide what's better for you and your health and then GO FOR IT :)!



Questions about eating on the HCG diet

What is the requirements for cottage cheese and eggs?
I cant eat eggwhite at this time.

Its going to be a very boring diet for me as crab is off my
list as well.



Questions about eating on the HCG diet

The types in P & I by Dr. Simeon are:
Veal, Beef, Chicken Breast, Fresh white fish, Lobster, Crab, or Shrimp.

Buffalo, Venison, Eggs, and Cottage cheese are in Dr. Cage's info. (Eggs and Cottage cheese have specific requirements).

Some vegetarians are using a pea protein powder in lieu of the animal products.

I have decided to stick really diligently to Dr. Simeon's protocol, adding in the buffalo and venison in place of the beef. Even though I buy only grass fed beef, it still has more fat in it than the European variety of Simeon's day.

I have 100 pounds to lose :)



Questions about eating on the HCG diet

What are the eight types of protein?


Questions about eating on the HCG diet

I don't know :)

I just know in Pounds & Inches Dr. Simeon specifically talks about not substituting any other type of fowl for the skinless boneless chicken breast.

Apparently, he did quite a bit of experimenting with the different types of protein available at the time and only the ones he listed did well consistently.

I've got too much riding on this to play around :), so strict I shall be!



Questions about eating on the HCG diet

Any idea why Turkey is not okay?
I thought it had less fat than Chicken?


Questions about eating on the HCG diet

Turkey is not part of the protocol :( and I sure wish it was! At least you will be able to eat PLENTY of good turkey while loading!! Just make sure to LOAD TO YOUR MAX WITH GOOD FATS:!:

I wish you luck in figuring out what will work for you, menu wise! I know it won't be any easier for you, with all the foods you have to avoid, but I hope you know we're all behind you 100% and will support you all the way :) .

Let us know when you get your hCG and how loading goes for you!



Questions about eating on the HCG diet


I hope its okay to eat turkey breast meat and really lean
ground turkey.

I can eat shrimp and haddock as well.

Thanks for the tips.

I dont have my HCG yet, that is why I thought TG holiday would be
a good place to start.



Hi there Anneliese!

Hey everyone-let's give Anneliese some ideas of what she can use on the protocol. Here's some of my ideas, of course I am no expert! It is just what *I* would try if faced with the same limitations:

    lemon-can you have limes? ACV is protocol as well. chicken-There are 8 other proteins listed, plus vegetarians are using powdered proteins that are working well for them.
    cinnamon-Use nutmeg or other spices??
    basil-Spices are not restricted at all so you can substitute with whatever flavors you like. Fresh basil can be substituted with parsley or cilantro, but I am not sure if they are within protocol or not.
    cabbage-How about Bok Choy? Is that too closely related? I personally love kale :).
    crab-Again, there are lots of other proteins to choose from.
    garlic-How about a spice blend for flavor?
    onion-Spices are unlimited!
    orange-How about grapefruit? (A lot of people stall on these anyway)
    sole-This fish is not specifically listed in the protocol list. Not sure if it is even allowed or not. But there is talapia, cod, halibut-any white NON-oily fish-NOT sea bass-it is too oily.
    spinach-How about Kale?? or lettuce?

The rest of these are not allowed anyway, so you'll be avoiding them for 2 good reasons :) :
brussel sprouts, egg white, whey,millet, oats, olives, yellow squash, milk, goat milk, cauliflower, fructose, honey, pear, pineapple,pork,sweet potato, vanilla, and white potato.

Does that give you some ideas? I don't want you to lose hope! I think it would be GREAT to use T-Day for your loading days, but if you start now, you'll be in the same boat with the rest of us-"How the heck are we gonna pass up turkey and the trimmings and (oh my) pumpkin pie!?!?!" Either way, you have good support here.

Btw, I get a lot of info from the Yahoo group [HCGDieters]. Another great place to ask questions.

^^^^Colorado (P2R1D8, SL, -5.8#)


Questions about eating on the HCG diet

Dawn wrote:
anninmaine wrote:
Hey thanks for the fast reply. Edited: (Where did your post go??????)

Where DID the post go? I think a lot of us out here doing the hCG protocol would love to view that response!

Annelies-I have quite a few things I have to avoid as well. Luckily there are still lots of options within protocol and so far it has not been worrisome. How far into the protocol are you?

^^^^Colorado (P2R1D4VLCD, -5.9!!)

Yes, I dont know why it was deleted. Oh well!

So, where are these lots of options listed that you mentioned?
I have been reading,listening and printing all I can from
the Enlita site and what has been available so far.

I just got started and joined last week and I am
waiting for my Homeopathic HCG to arrive.
I may wait until TG Holiday and use it as my loading days.
That way there is no room for temptation when it arrives.
With my being so restricted anyways as to what I can eat
I may start sooner.

How long have you been doing the VLCD'S?


Questions about eating on the HCG diet

anninmaine wrote:
Hey thanks for the fast reply. Edited: (Where did your post go??????)

Where DID the post go? I think a lot of us out here doing the hCG protocol would love to view that response!

Annelies-I have quite a few things I have to avoid as well. Luckily there are still lots of options within protocol and so far it has not been worrisome. How far into the protocol are you?

^^^^Colorado (P2R1D4VLCD, -5.9!!)


Questions about eating on the HCG diet

Hey thanks for the fast reply. Edited: (Where did your post go??????)

I cant have wheat or gluten (bread sticks) as Im severely intolerant, but I can have rice crackers!

How are you doing so far with the diet restrictions?

Also I have tried the Miracle Noodles and they are different.
Kind of rubbery, but they work when you cant have wheat or grains.

Try them once and see if you stall would be my suggestion.


Food Intolerance

I also have a question:

I had the ALCAT Food Intolerance test done a month ago, (150 food panel) I have Moderate Food Intolerance of lemon, egg white,whey,chicken, cinnamon, millet, oats, olives and yellow squash, milk,goat milk. I need to avoid these foods for 3-6 months. I have Mild Intolerance to basil, brussel sprouts,cabbage, cauliflower,crab,fructose,garlic,honey,onion,orange,pear, pineapple,pork,sole,spinach,sweet potato,vanilla,and white potato.
According to ALCAT my yellow list is longer than my orange list and I need to avoid the Mild Intolerance foods as well for at least 3 months before rotating them in again.

When I read the protocols for HCG, it says not to deviate from the foods listed or you may stall or not loose at all.

What do I eat as substitutes for these foods that I am unable to eat, that wont cancel the weight loss?

