
2 replies [Last post]
Susan24's picture
Joined: 2 Jan 2008

Hi. I'm just starting the ENLITA program. I wanted to see if there are any special guidelines or recommendations for those who are nursing a child. My baby is almost 13 months old and no longer relies on breastmilk as his sole source of nutrition, however I do not wish to do anything that would jeodordize my milk supply. Thank you. -Susan

Susan24's picture
Joined: 2 Jan 2008

Thank you for your reply. Sadly, I had to stop nursing today. I'm on my 3rd case of mastitis with this child, 5th total, and the pain was just too much to bear as the child was sucking on an open wound. This has been very difficult emotionally and I made the choice to break the hypoallergenic diet today. I'm commited to getting my insulin levels consistantly where they need to be and regaining my health before I get pregnant again, but right now I feel like a jumbled mess of emotions. In these moments when it seems EFT would be the best solution, I have my doubts. Maybe I can start again when my hormones have balanced out.
Thanks again for your thoughtful reply,

Dr. Winnie Abramson's picture
Joined: 11 Sep 2007

The Enlita program is very nutritionally sound and there is nothing contraindicated about doing it while you are still nursing. That being said, you may need to make some adjustments if you notice that your milk supply is being affected- such as adding a bit of additional carbs, or maybe even more fat. One personal note, though- when I was nursing, I was able to lose all but "the last 5 pounds" as my body was holding on to fluids more...once I weaned those 5 pounds went away with no trouble, without me doing anything different diet-wise. I know others with similar experiences, so just don't be obessessed with reaching a certain weight while still nursing- try to be flexible as you may naturally be retaining some fluid.
Dr. Winnie Abramson