Can we get a thread going/lively chat to help each other?
HI Everyone........OK for NOW...I"m able to post on the:
ENCOURAGEMENT: MAKE CONNECTIONS Board...please join us at the
"restarting the thread AGAIN II" thread.
JUMP ON OVER...........
On behalf of Enlita, I apologize for website difficulties you may be experiencing. The site is currently undergoing changes and upgrades that will hopefully resolve these issues shortly.
Hi Jotales,
I am sorry you are having techie troubles. I hope that gets straightened out for you soon! Dr. Pearsall has MUCH better people on board now than when I started 10 months ago.
I am doing the hCG protocol but not with the group after all. I decided to wait until after my period this month to hopefully get the MOST benefit. I am also quite down right now and I will use this time to bring myself back up. Better to be in a "happy space" when starting this diet, don't you think?
I would like to someday get one of those gym balls, so I am going to be looking for feedback from you on how that is working out for you! I have a knee problem also, but I have no idea what it is called. My dog ran into my knee and made it bend the wrong way and I have had trouble with it ever since. I never had the money to pursue getting it looked at or treated, and will just deal with the pain. I am not going to let it slow me down :).
What week are you on now on the Enlita plan? What has been your favorite recipe? Most helpful tip? Enjoy all the good you are doing for your body-it is ALL worth it!
Warm regards,
No...I still can't post on the ENCOURAGEMNENT:MAKE CONNECTIONS I'll try here...hoping Dr. Kendra dosen't mind. NOt sure my "buttons" will work again or for how long..
Hi Everyone!! especially LeAnn,Patrice and Dawn. We are trying to get this thread going and all of the sudden, I developed posting trouble. The darn "SUBMIT" button is not just sends me to "Preview." So it looks like I have gone AWOL.
Now I'm fooling around w/ the buttons and actually posted on HERE by L.clicking; then R. clicking.....getting to that darn "PREVIEW" again and L clicking there to a post!! WHEW!!! did I at least burn a nano-calorie??
Patrice...I tried to private message you but I'm not sure you saw them.
I'm anxious to hear of your egg challenge results! are most patient and have excellent voice quality for "Support"position. Thanks again for all of your help.
Dawn...I may have been at this a lot longer than you;(allergic and sensitive) but I too don't lose weight no matter what diet I do. I too, am putting all of my hope on HCG. Will be trying the homeopathic version first. It has not arrived yet; but am getting all of my food & supplies prepared. I think it's great that your family is involved and all eating better! I'm hoping to do the week of liver/GB detox remedies first...I think I need it...before the HCG.
My progress: eEting the Plan well and yet I gainned 2 pounds! Fat % went down 1% so I think it's fluid. I really can't exercise as my knees are that bad. I have chondramalacia(friction under the knee-cap) so any extension and flexion exercises reactivate the problem. For now.....I'm lucky to walk w/ one cane. Bought a gym ball and need to get into that.
Can cycle w/ my arms so my goal is to reatart that this weekend.
Can't wait to hear how you all are doing. I've notices a couple new member names on the screen.......maybe they will post. :)
OK...I just got "in" by R. clicking onto the submit button; then L clicking!
WIll this continue to work???
Dawn....before I ask you to move to the ENcouragment: MAke Connections board...let me see if I can go there and post. J :D tales great to see you post. We are trying to move to the ENCOURAGEMENT:Make Connections Baord but al of the sudden I developed posting trouble. the Webmaster is working on it. Just saw your post and so I'm going to try to reply here.jotales've contributed to the Forums. alot...I caught you on one of the pre-recorded telecalls and we may have similar experiences w/ allergies and chemical sensitivities.SO SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES HERE as we can learn from/support each other!
I've lost 1.5#'s in 2 days...I'll need support when the water weight is gone and the weight drop slows!!! Got quite a-ways to go! Excitedly awaiting LeAnn's HCG blog and the HCG Teleclasses. jotales
Hi jotales,
THANK HEAVENS for you and your desire to get a chat/support going on this forum! I have felt for a LONG time that I have been speaking to myself! I see that there have been a few others that are willing to post-awesome! I really think it helps to have someone to relate with while doing this life changing diet. I have been just skimming looking for new posts, but now that I know other posters are here, I will be more active again.
What week are you on, jotales? I am just hovering doing a lot a menu items from the early weeks and the detox weeks. Those foods make my family feel better. We must need it, and if we don't, who cares! We eat good and we feel good. What is better than that? Well, losing weight would be better than that! I have not lost more than a few pounds in the 10 months I have been on the Enlita program, so I am certainly not a poster child for Enlita, but I will say without a doubt that my family feels healthier on this plan and that is important. I am putting ALL MY HOPE towards the hCG finally working for me. I am determined that this is the breakthrough that my body needs to lose fat.
As you mentioned, I have (actually, HAD is a better word now!) a tremendous amount of toxicity in my body. It never made sense to me or to anyone who knew me WHY my body was gaining fat. It was really liberating to learn from the Enlita lessons how the body holds on to fat as a protective mechanism when you are toxic. TOTALLY explains why an athletic person eating a very healthy diet could gain so much fat in a short period of time and not be able to lose it no matter what diet I followed or how many calories I burned. A light bulb went off when I read through that lesson and participated in the teleseminar. Our bodies are spectacular machines!
^^^^Colorado (who is still waiting on the hCG shipment!)
Old habits and addictions can be tough to break. Oftentimes, our relationships with food go back years, and when you are trying to change lifestyle choices, it may not be an overnight abiltiy to change for some. But try to keep your goals in mind, such as long-term health and feeling and looking better (or whatever it is that is motivating you). So like LeAnn said, please don't beat yourself up about having a sweet off of the program. But getting these foods out of the house may make it easier for you to stick to the positive changes you are trying to make. And frequently, when your body is given the right nutrients from food and sugary foods are not continually eaten, the cravings for sweets can decrease over time! You mentioned EFT - try a more specific phrase for sweets rather than general health. For example, "even though I have these cravings for sweets, I love and accept myself". Or whatever specific phrase rings true for you. Remember, this is about developing healthy lifestyles and having power over the daily choices we make.
So congratulations on your accomplishments so far!
Dr. Marci Scott
I am so sorry that I haven't seen your threads about needing support! :(
I have read you threads below and sounds like you are starting off just fine so don't beat yourself up over your tootsie roll ok? I had a extra small bite of a brownie at a gathering with friends!!!
I am interested to hear what went through your mind after you ate the tootsie roll? (anything besides guilt?)
Here is what went through my mind after the bite of brownie - Wow, somehow that brownie didn't even taste that good! I was an odd but exciting moment actually. I have always enjoyed brownies.
I would love to chat to encourage each other!
What week are you on? I am on three.
sorry i was replying to this:
Can we get a thread going/lively chat to help each other?
That would be in this forum:
Jotales is back on now.
For everyone reading this, AOL is not compatible with this community board at this time.
I began HCG yesterday morning and will be posting blogs soon.
It is really interesting how it makes me feel already. I hope to hear from all of you soon.