My Elise Results - Recommendations?
Hi Dr Winnie,
I got back the results of my Elise test. I scored:
3+ Trout
2+ Salmon (that's a real heartbreaker!)
1+ Egg yolk (so is that!), clam
VL (very low) on many things! My Dr said to ignore those. Is that right?!? Doesn't seem right, since the paperwork said scoring VL can still mean you have sensitivity but that your immune system is doing a very good job of combatting it.
Here are VL:
DAIRY: casein, cheddar cheese, cottage cheese, cow's milk, goat's milk, lactalbumin
FRUITS: grapefruit, papaya
VEGETABLES: alfalfa, mushroom, pea
FISH/SHELLFISH: cod, sardine, sole, tuna
POULTRY/MEATS: egg white, turkey
NUTS & GRAINS: kidney bean, oat, rice, sesame, soy, wheat
MISCELLANEOUS: yeast, cane sugar, coffee
So what is your interpretation? What do you recommend? I"d appreciate any input, since my Dr seemed clueless. He told me to ignore the VL and to stop eating the 1+, 2+, and 3+ foods. When I asked him if I could ever go back to them he said yeah we could test again in a year.
Thank you Dr Winnie!
What about krill oil instead of fish oil?
If the fish oil is fresh and a lemon or orange flavor, it should not taste yucky...have you tried the Carlson's brand?
MSM is a naturally-occurring sulfur compound that can help with inflammation and allergies.
Dr. Winnie Abramson
You are doing all the right things and I do not think it will be a year before you can eat most of these foods again- I think about 3-6 months.
You don't have to obessively rotate- just try to be aware and minimize those foods. I find rotation diets to be a bit crazy-making, but you can try it out. Our nutritional program is pretty varied and it is easy to substitute where you need to...Eat lots and lots of raw veggies and I would also take a good multi, a fish oil, glutamine, and possibly MSM, and use coconut oil- these are all useful for healing the gut.
Dr. Winnie Abramson
Definitely avoid the 1+, 2+ and 3+ reactions. Usually I would agree about ignoring the VL reactions but in your case there are quite a few and so many of them are common protein foods which is interesting.
What is your instinct about this? You could certainly try to eliminate those from the list that you eat frequently and see how you felt, but then you need to make sure you have enough other things to eat. Remember that the elimination and challenge gives the most clear picture, so you could try to eliminate and then challenge some of these would take some work but that is probably what I would do. I would not necessarily eliminate them all at once though as that would really limit your diet- it's up to you.
The other option is just to minimize the VLs as much as you can without eliminating them completely. Eat them on a rotation basis.
And focus on ways to improve the integrity of your digestive tract-- this will help avoid sensitivities in the future.
Dr. Winnie Abramson
Hi, yes it is Carlson's lemon flavor but still.... it's not too bad going down but sometimes after taking it I burp and it's not so good the 2nd time around, lol.
I will get the MSM, thanks!