How to make free long distance phone calls...

4 replies [Last post]
Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012

I use Skype. It's how to chat and make calls free anywhere in the world with other Skype users. if you have a webcam hooked up you can do free teleconferencing. Get your friends and family to sign up. It's free.

Now if you want to call the rest of the world (non-Skype users) and to call in for our teleseminars, you can sign up for Skype Pro with is only $3 a month and you can call for free unlimited outgoing calls. You can also get Skype In which gives you a phone number for people to call you. All you need is a $15 headset/mic which you can also order from Skype or Amazon.
Click here to check it out.

Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012
Re: Skype Calls

We will have to look into a way of getting that set up!

Jennifer_Jackson (not verified)
Jennifer_Jackson's picture
Love Skype!

Would be interesting one day to see Enlita subscribers creating group call sessions to talk about their experiences! 

I know I would be on that call, if it were ever to happen. 

Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012
your comment

I asked her to call you about your comment that "the forums have become an unfriendly place."

I wanted to know why that was and what we can do to change it. Please let me know.

Dawn's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
How to make free long distance phone calls...

Thank you! I appreciate the info. I will look into that and hopefully my backwoods bandwidth can handle the download :D!!

Also-I (just today) was given a message that Dr. Winnie called me!! I am not sure when she called. I am sorry I didn't get the message immediately. Please try again!
