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Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012

Hi LeAnn.I sat in on last night's class.
> -PROBLEM: Muted and unmuted as directed by Dr. Kendra and once
> again, when it came to question time, it seemed over several attempts
> to ask a question I eventually concluded that they were not hearing
> me. This is the second time that I have had this problem.
> 1) I had wanted to ask if Dr. Priscilla used a fiber product
> while on the program? (I know she used Smooth Move Tea)
> 2) Also if it were possible if a very sensitive person
> could get by w/ less drops of the remedy.(just read Dr. Kendra's
> newsletter where the company said you can get by w/less drops)
> 3) And in today's newlsetter....Dr. Kendra mentions
> successing the remedy to make it last longer.....did she really mean
> that you start w/ the empty bottle or does one start w/ a small
> amount of the original remedy and add the rest and then success?
> 4) I've been perscribed H.M. before. My practitioners rx.
> taking
> 5 pellets in a cup of water, dissove and then take 1 tsp. of that
> mixture for
> my dose. Success each time you a dose. Mostly they rx. this as I am
> very
> sensitive...but I am now wondering if something like this can be done
> w/ this
> HCG set(except Adrenolipitrophic) to make it last longer? Thanks for
> passing on my questions.
> The HCG info. is quite interesting, and even more so if the
> homeopathic preparation would actually work in place of the real
> substance.

Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012

I changed the kit but both Liver remedies are comparable.

No you can take less to space it out but that is my opinion and other homeopathic experts beleive one should take more so I am publishing both.

Yes you can still make them last. Some people would rather have the certified remedy rather than try to make their own but there are no retractions to what I've said previously.

Homeopathy and healing is an art and a science. There are no hard rules with homeopathy when it comes to dosing and remedy selection.

jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008
A Change in the HCG HOmeopathic Kit?

HI...Dr. Kendra...I just read today's newletter and checked out the homeopathic HCG directions at the Store. I have ?'s:

!) your newest list of 5 items in the HCG kit has one called Hepatoliquitrophic. My kit didn't include that...but a remedy called
GB/LIVER. I've been taking this for the first week and I have been having symptoms. DId you change the kit?


2) Have you retracted the information that one could take 5gtts of the remedies @ 2/day. so that the supply could last you a full 6 weeks.

3) And can we still make our next batch(remedies) by saving 1 tsp of item etc. and successing 100 x asa discussed earlier...OR...have you reetracted that? THanks. jotales

herforth's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008
HOmeopathic HCg dosing on the Blog

Well....I just found the post for Oct. 17, o8 on the BLOG:
$35,000 Weight Loss secret-FAst W. Loss HCG..where you gave directions.jotales :D

jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008
PLease cont. w/ the Live Telesminars

Dr. Kendra.......despite the tech. problems....I love the Live telecalls... It's that personal touch that is so outstanding....so please keep them coming. I'm very excited about the HCG support group.
During our last telecall w/ Dr. cage...you said you were going to put the HCG info. more together and discuss the exact dosing of the homeopathic set. HAve you/ could you post exact directions for this? I actually got my set today!!!Yeah! Want to do the gb/Lvr detox this week and then will be set to start. Thanks. Oh and has LeAnn started her blog. can't seem to find that. jotales

Dawn's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007

Dr. Kendra Pearsall wrote:
Do you think the calls need to be live or would it work to get the questions beforehand and also do a follow up with questions afterward and publish the answers?

It seems like all the Free teleconference services have their bugs. I've tried so many. Anyhow, I am very touched by your graditude. Thank you so much Dawn for all you have contributed to our community and your never ending motivation and enthusiasm. You're an inspiration to all.

This is weird. I thought I already responded to this post, but I don't see it anywhere!

Dr. Kendra-I think however you get the info/support out is great. If it is less stressful and more productive to pre-record the teleseminars and then do Q&A before and after, I say go for it. *I* for one like to be involved in the live teleseminars, but if they ain't workin', it makes no sense to continue to try them live.

And you're welcome. :) I have been working very hard (as you know) on this program for 10 months (WOW) and have lost very little weight. Like almost zilch. *YOU* have to know it is YOUR (and your team's) motivation, dedication, genuine caring and compassion, and darn good information that keeps me here! I am normally a very positive, upbeat (and, OK-I talk too much) person, but it is Enlita and your team that has kept me "up" when month after month I did not lose weight. I am not giving up because YOU are not giving up on me!


Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012

Do you think the calls need to be live or would it work to get the questions beforehand and also do a follow up with questions afterward and publish the answers?

It seems like all the Free teleconference services have their bugs. I've tried so many. Anyhow, I am very touched by your graditude. Thank you so much Dawn for all you have contributed to our community and your never ending motivation and enthusiasm. You're an inspiration to all.

Dawn's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007

Dr. Kendra Pearsall wrote:
I am frustrated with the technical problems we continually encounter with teleseminars. I am hesitant to continue to do live ones for this reason.

I think we are all frustrated, but so willing to put up with it for this wonderful information!

I have a suggestion (and I am not familiar with the teleseminar company that you are using-so it may not even be an option). With some teleseminar services, you can tailor the message the caller hears once connected. It would help save time and confusion if that message could say something like "Please place your phone on mute by selecting the mute feature on your phone or by pressing *6."

Thank you, thank you, thank you kindly for all your hard work on putting these together for us!

Warm regards,

Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012

I am frustrated with the technical problems we continually encounter with teleseminars. I am hesitant to continue to do live ones for this reason. I am sorry for your problems.
1) Dr. Priscilla used Smooth Move Tea. You could also use Fiber Full from Enlita store.

2) Yes you can take less drops but homeopathy does not really depend on the dose. There may not be any difference between 1 drop and 10 drops or 1 pellet and 10 pellets. Better to take a lower potency if you are sensitive like a 6 x instead of a 10 M.

3) It does not do any good to start with an empty bottle. You have to start with part of the remedy still in the bottle (at least a teaspoon) and then sucuss.

4) Yes you can add to water to make it last longer.

5) The homeo preparation works and I think this is an amazing discovery.