Hello, Just joined Enlita & love it

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Dawniebug's picture
Joined: 30 Jan 2008

Hello everyone!

Just wanted to introduce myself, my name is Dawn by I will go by Dawniebug since I see there is another Dawn out there...hello.

I have just joined Enlita and love it- the holistic approach, ideas and values are in line with my own. I am a Holistic Health Practitioner and Counselor in Holistic Nutrition, I use EFT as well with my clients with much success. I have been a supporter and follower of Dr. Joseph Mercola and I have personally learned from Dr. Patrick Gentempo, D.C. founder of Creating Wellness, both of whom are collegues of Dr. Pearsall. I find this program to be a sigh of relief! Finally, a truly holistic program that addresses the whole person as it should.

Good luck to everyone on the program, I'm sure we will all learn invaluable information from Dr. Pearsall. I am very excited. :D

Jennifer_Jackson (not verified)
Jennifer_Jackson's picture
Thank you!

Thanks Dawniebug! 

I really hope your experience on the program goes well also. 

Dawn's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Hello, Just joined Enlita & love it

We both live in Colorado Springs!!! Gosh, all this time and I didn't even know that :).


tpribors's picture
Joined: 13 Feb 2008
finding a good doctor

Dawn and Dawniebug,

I used to live just outside NYC (in NJ) and worked in Manhatten. Dr. Joel Furhman is a great doctor if you're willing to cross the bridge to NJ. I didn't go to him personally, but have friends who do (they love him) and I read Dr. Furhman's book.

I moved to Colorado Springs in 2006. I tried an NMD in the area but after $7500 and no results, I stopped going. Now I go to Dr. Kucera (MD) and love him. My chiropractor is in Littleton--his name is Randy James.

I hope this helps!


starwulf61's picture
Joined: 15 Nov 2007
Re: Hello, Just joined Enlita & love it

Hi Dawniebug, welcome!

I am in Week 7 of Enlita and I'm loving it too. I can't believe how good the food is. It's so satifying - the only time I have hunger is when I'm triggered to emotional eating. Even sometimes I've looked at a recipe and thought it sounded horrible but it ends up being fabulous 99% of the time. I can't tell you the value I place on the Enlita staff having gathered these recipes & menus and shopping lists. I mean, I have a a whole slew of cookbooks on my shelf and the recipes don't even come close to being as good. I've lost 18 lbs. Good luck to ya.


Dawn's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Hello, Just joined Enlita & love it

Thanks Dawniebug!

I will do some research! I appreciate the info :D

^^^^^Colorado (who has just about given up on Dr's......)

Dawniebug's picture
Joined: 30 Jan 2008
Hi Dawn..beautiful name (lol)

Hi Dawn,

I am in New York. Have you checked with the American Association of Drugless Practitoners? or the Amercian Holistic Health Association? They have listings and referrals for Doctors of Naturopathic, and Holistic Practitioners of varied healing modalities including Nutritional Counselors.

Good luck!

You new friend in NY,

Dawn's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Hello, Just joined Enlita & love it

Hello Dawniebug!

Just wanted to welcome you!

Can I ask where your practice is? I am searching for a holistic Dr. who is up and aligned with all I am learning here. Colorado, by chance???

The other Dawn