HCG Weight Loss Protocol

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footlite's picture
Joined: 18 Oct 2007

I was unable to attend the August 13 seminar but I am intrigued on many levels--why Dr. Pearsall is endorsing this protocol, how it can be administered without a physician's supervision, how it works, who's a suitable candidate . . . I've been doing a little reading online and wonder where the discussion of it is on this website. Can we look forward to information about this technique outside the seminar?

Dawn's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
HCG Weight Loss Protocol

I just received an email from Dr. Pearsall that answers many of your questions. On the chance that you are not signed up to receive these emails, I thought I'd pass it along!


Last night we had 67 attendees on our teleseminar with Dr. Arlan Cage on HCG therapy.

We had a few technical problems, some people (like my own mother) couldn?t call in and for some reason I could not see any questions in the Q & A section during the seminar. Today when I logged into the teleseminar website, I have 30 questions listed! Arrrgh! I can not understand why didn?t they show during the teleseminar?

I am going to take these questions plus the ones that were asked during the teleseminar and get them answered in a special report that will be available by next Friday.

**If you have any questions about HCG Therapy, please email support@enlita.com and our support person Leann will compile them all into a document for Dr. Cage and I to answer.

The teleseminar was packed full of information and people asked great questions but we ran out of time. Ninety minutes was not enough to cover everything you need to know to do this on your own. So if you want more information on this we have a package available for only $9.97 until midnight Saturday, then the price will go up to $19.97. The package includes:

1. The detailed instructions that Dr. Cage provides all of his patients in a 15 page PDF report
2. An instant audio download of the 90 minute audio class with Dr. Cage
3. A transcript of the teleseminar
4. A report with all of your HCG questions answered including my research on where to get it online (Dr. Cage and I will work on this and have it ready by next week)

Hope that is helpful (forgive if it's redundant)!