hCG Teleseminar

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agoers's picture
Joined: 5 Oct 2007

I have been spending a lot of time reviewing the Simeon protocol, Dr. Cage's recipes plus all the other information that you have kindly provided to us. I have a question regarding eating strawberries during Phase 2.
The portion size is 1/2 cup. Is that 1/2 cup of chopped strawberries?
Regarding vegetables, as long as we limit to 1 cup chopped, sliced or shredded, does it make a difference if we consume them raw or steamed?

Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012
hCG Teleseminar

The bottom line is, yo-yo dieting involves starvation, not just in your stomach, but also in the hypothalamus of the brain and at the cellular level. Because of the effects of this hormone, on the hCG program the cells are never deficient in energy, the brain is controlled so you are experience little to no hunger and your body as a whole isn't starving...it is living of the calories of long term fat being liberated.

I have some patients who came to me needing to lose 150 pounds or more, and are now on their 3rd round of the program. They have lost weight each time, and kept it off between the rounds of injections. Dr. Simeons, the discoverer of this protocol, treated approximately 10,000 patients with this method, and frequently us multiple rounds of injections with no problem.

--Dr. Arlan Cage

A yo-yo diet means lose/gain cycle. The HCG is a progressive decrease in weight until you get to your goal. --Dr. Pearsall

Dawn's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Re: 2nd Round of hCG Weight Loss

agoers wrote:
She did tell me that I should not do a second round (even though I was planning to do so) because this would then be yo-yo dieting, which is never good for your health.

I came across the same information. I am interested in hearing the response you get here.

IIUC, if you do P3 and P4 correctly, it is not the same as yo-yo dieting. It is more like weight loss stages, rather than going up and down, because you are maintaining your weight within 2 pounds.

Are you doing hCG SL?

^^^^Colorado (P2R1D4VLCD, SL -5.9)

agoers's picture
Joined: 5 Oct 2007
2nd Round of hCG Weight Loss

Yesterday I visited my naturopathic health care practitioner. She knew that I was on the hCG protocol. Since she knows nothing about hCG weight loss she had lots of questions and our discussion was quite lengthy. She did tell me that I should not do a second round (even though I was planning to do so) because this would then be yo-yo dieting, which is never good for your health. Please comment.

Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012
hCG Teleseminar

1/2 cup is chopped. Does not matter is raw or steamed.