hCG Teleconference?
I have not received the dial in info for today's teleconference. There is also no info in the calendar. Can you send me the info please or a recording of the teleconference so I can get the information?
Try going to teleclass or downloads under "my account".
Please let us know if you need any additional assistance.
-Dr. Marci Scott
I missed the seminar on Sept 24th. Are there some downloads I can get?
I haven't seen anything about it.
Have you received any other newsletters?
I believe an email newsletter went out today announcing the upcoming teleseminar dates.
Here's the schedule listed in the newsletter:
Wed. Sept. 17: Introduction to Oral hCG Therapy
Wed. Sept. 24: How to detoxify your body for weight loss, Types of fasting diets
Wed. Oct. 1: Candida and parasite cleansing
Wed. Oct. 8: How to detoxify your home and environment with green friendly product recommendations.
Wed. Oct. 15: Phase 1 and 2 of the program. What to eat during the high fat diet. How to prepare for the 500 calorie phase.
Wed. Oct. 22: Phase 2 instruction and support
Wed. Oct. 29: Phase 2 instruction and support
Wed. Nov. 5: Phase 2 and Phase 3 instruction and support
Wed. Nov. 12: Phase 3 instruction and support
Wed. Nov. 19: Phase 3 instruction and support. Graduation party and celebration of the new slimmer you.
-Dr. Marci Scott
If you need anything else, just let me know.