I'm 50+, healthy, and on no prescriptions. I'm having hair loss. I've used shampoos for it and supplements but haven't had any results. What should I do?
About anti-estrogenic foods:
The Enlita diet is quite high in these, among them: cruciferous veggies, berries, wild fish, grass-fed dairy, organic pastured eggs and meats, raw nuts and seeds....I am not aware of flax promoting estrogen, I think of it as anti-estrogenic, as well...
The foods to stay away from include soy, conventional meats and dairy, omega-6 oils, and our diet avoids these.
By the way, we've restructured the forums a bit, so if we can now limit this forum to Q+A for Enlita staff only, as the title suggests, it would be greatly appreciated! You are welcome to discuss the other topics, including natural progesterone, amongst yourselves in the other forums. Thanks!
Dr.Winnie Abramson
I'm just finding out that natural progesterone can cause negative effects from you and Antoinette on another thread. Thanks for the info--I'll be more observant with any changes.
I was put on a natural progesterone cream (FemCream) and had really good results with symptom relief. I was then told from several other Dr's that the cream is not the best way to administer progesterone. I was told that it actually accumulates in the fat cells and therefore doesn't deliver an exact dose at all times; sometimes releasing more or less. Two Dr.'s recommended a sub lingual natural progesterone, which is what I went with. I still have slight symptoms, but so far this is working pretty well.
Does anyone have any thoughts on sub lingual progesterone compared to the cream? This is pretty important to me, as I *think* it's my best course of action in reducing my estrogen dominance.
As I am sure you can understand, it is not possible for us to find the cause of your hair loss over the internet, and without knowing the cause it is impossible to recommend a suitable course of treatment. I would be much more comfortable recommending that you see a holistic MD or naturopathic doctor who can help you figure out what is wrong and then we can go from there.
Dr. Winnie Abramson
I'm just finding out that natural progesterone can cause negative effects from you and Antoinette on another thread. Thanks for the info--I'll be more observant with any changes.
Perservere. Sometimes it can take a long time. I had one doc tell me my problem was normal female pattern balding. I went to another doc and he ran a bunch of tests and found my problem.
Another thought: the Enlita lessons talk about leaky gut. Is it possible you are malnurished? I heard Dr. Andrew Weil say that it takes about 8 weeks to see the results of any natural treatment. Maybe after a couple of months of supplements and probiotics you'll see a change (I hope).
Just my thoughts.
Hi hlthnut
I'm no doctor, but I had the same problem awhile back. It was the result of low progesterone and low thyroid. I wen to the doc and he gave me progestorone cream and armour thyroid pills. I don't know if that's what you have, but it's a starting point anyway. I think the Enlita lessons mention other causes of this, but I'm not sure where.
I hope this helps!
Tammy, already have been taking probiotics and supplements, guess that's why I don't understand why I'm not getting any results. Thanks.