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Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012

Please post all of your emotional eating questions here in this post. You do not need to create a new post per question. Thanks.

Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012

I have received many requests from people asking me to do more on EFT. This will definitely be taken into consideration on our next program! 

agoers's picture
Joined: 5 Oct 2007
Emotional Eating

I attend your teleseminars on hCG. Please devote some EFT time to "Eating when you are not hungry."

Dawn's picture
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Re: Good Suggestions

jotales wrote:
Tom. I start my 3 Loading Days. Anxious to get into the program and see results.

Me, too! I have everything out and ready to mix in the morning :) .


jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008
Good Suggestions

THanks Dr. Kendra....am definitely going to use them during my Eft. Tom. I start my 3 Loading Days. Anxious to get into the program and see results.

Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012

Wonderful! Do them often. And use EFT whenever the snack attack arises. Practice EFT daily.

agoers's picture
Joined: 5 Oct 2007
Emotional Eating and Outslide Activities

The non-food things that bring me pleasure: planned outings with friends and relatives, professional meetings at work and association meetings in the evening. Plays & concerts. Reading. Walking in the woods and metroparks. Waterfalls. Being outside. Sitting in my yard. Just doing nothing but thinking/planning.

Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012

I know it is strange. I wish Simeons was still alive so I could grill him on his strange advice. Just wait and see what happens.

You are definitely craving sugar if you are raiding other people's desks.

The intense desire for baked goods can indicate a wheat allergy, a serotonin deficiency or a strong association of baked goods with comfort and pleasure.

Also you have a strong pairing of snacks TV. It is like Pavlov's dogs. It's a tough association to break.

What are all the non-food ways that bring you pleasure in your life? or are you lacking enjoyment which is why you are turning to baked goods and sweets?

agoers's picture
Joined: 5 Oct 2007
Emotional Eating Questions & Comments

I find that I want to eat snacks while watching TV. I don't watch that often but find that when I do, I want popcorn, chips, cookies, chocolate, cheese & crackers, etc. -- anything but healthy vegetables, fruit & meat as I don't think of them as snacks and don't want to eat them.

I work full time. I get snack attacks at work. Because I don't have chocolate or cookies at my desk I raid other workstations for candy, cake or cookies. I do have Enlita's Organic Trail Mix and organic rice crackers & organic almond butter to snack on, but I don't want that. I want something forbidden and there is plenty of candy around here. I don't believe I am craving sugar because I only use stevia and, rarely, raw honey & organic maple syrup for cooking. I don't even have cane sugar in my home.

My biggest weakness and craving is Baked Goods. I believe that I could eat only that for a few days straight. If I bake, it is with stevia and that's OK. As long as I am eating baked goods I am happy.

I don't understand the no weight loss during Phase 3. Of course we will lose weight if we cannot consume sugar and starch. Not eating starch contributed greatly to my initial weight loss when I began the Enlita program.

Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012

I think your ego (the devil on your shoulder) can make you self-sabotage any time your higher self (the angel on your other shoulder) tries to do good. People like to be free and not have to follow rules. Your inner child wants to eat whatever it feels like and not be "deprieved".

"Even though I want to sabotage myself, I deeply and completey love and accept myself."

I'm feeling like I don't want to follow this program...
I have a craving for junk food...
I fear I won't succeed so why bother?...
I want to eat whatever I want...

jotales's picture
Joined: 23 Oct 2008

what if it seems that everytime you settle down to a diet...it seemsyou rebel and actually get worse in the beginning than if you were just picking healthier food as you do thru your day?
Does this make sense? what can I say to myself during EFT? but I have noticed this before when I settled sown to other diets.
So is it reverse psychology or something? Curious if anyone else has ever complainned about this. jotales