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Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012

Do you have any questions that you want answered on the topic of candida and parasits?

Anonymous's picture
SPit Test in the 02 Detox Teleseminar Handout

Dr. Kendra...Hi! I just found the info. re: the "spit test for Candida" in 02 Detox Teleseminar HAndout!!!

Anonymous's picture
"Spit" test for yeast

During our last week's (prerecorded) telecall; you mentionned that there was a "Spit Test" that one could do and certain characteristics of one's spit would indicate certain information. You were going to talk about it later in the call; but I believe the subject wasn't again discussed. Could you tell us how one does the test ,what would we be looking for ,what info. would it give us? Seems intriguing. Thanks!

Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012
doctors data

Doctor's Data has a hair analysis $110 which can screen for which metals you've been exposed to in the past 3 months and can select the right chelator for those metals. There are urine tests ($110) which can precisely assess your heavy metal burden and can monitor the progress of a metal detxoification done with DMSA or DMPS or ETDA etc. (chelators of heavy metals including mercury.) You need to find a doctor who has an account with Doctor's Data to get these tests.

The candida saliva just tests for candida and is about a $100 test. If I scored medium to high on the candida and parasite questionnaires, I would skip the candida saliva test and simply order the GI Panel
and you don't need to do both. I've never seen a GI Panel in a client that was normal. There is always at least a few things that need to be addressed and when they are, I've seen dramatic improvements in symptoms and even in weight loss.......

Anonymous's picture
Two Questions RE: This Week's Telecall

During the pre-recorded call; someone mentionned that her sister had done a heavy metal test. Could you tell us what Heavy Metal test you recommend? And did I understand you correctly that re: GI testing; you would first recommend the saliva test and then depending upon results ..then rx. the stool tests? What does the saliva test-test that the stool tests don't? Or would you order them all together for cost effeciency? etc. THanks!

Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012

Thanks for the heads up. I will correct that and also put this in the store.

Adult Dosage: Two tablespoons, (one ounce) daily on an empty stomach, 20 minutes before breakfast.

Children 12 and under: One tablespoon, 1/2 ounce under the supervision of a physician, administered as above.

agoers's picture
Joined: 5 Oct 2007
Aqua Flora

Aqua Flora is included in the Detox Kit but there is no reference to it in your Daily Supplement Checklist. How frequently should it be taken?

Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012
Can Aqua Flora and yeast remedies cause me to feel terrible?

Yes, taking products and following a diet for Candida control can make you feel like you have the flu. This is due to a "die-off" effect explained below.


A: Yes, die off can occur. It is called the Hertxeimer Effect. You can experience flu like symptoms. All you have to do is cut your Aqua Flora dosage in half (1/2 ounce) for about a week and then go back on full dosage.


A: It is your immune system reacting to the sudden excessive amount of toxic, dead, yeast throughout your body. When taking Aqua Flora products and maintaining a proper Candida diet, approximately 20% of our clients will experience a die-off. Die-off means that your body is working well with this product. It also means that your body is attempting to eliminate toxic waste fast and you're experiencing the effects of it working properly. If you experience die-off symptoms, simply cut your dosage in half (to 1/2 ounce) and drink all the water you can to help your body flush out the toxic yeast. Water is key as is a Candida diet.

Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012
What is the candida control diet? How long do you stay on it

Candida Control Diet is a diet without foods that exacerbate yeast conditions. This means getting rid of wheat, gluten, bread made with yeast, mushrooms, alcohol, pickled foods, vinegar, sweets, sugar. We have a detailed e-book and an audio lecture combo for only $9.97 at

You should stay on it at least a 4-6 and then retake the Candida Questionnaire. If your symptoms are in the normal range then you might be able to slowly reintroduce more foods into your diet. Some people will need to stay on this diet 3-6 months. There are also tests you can do to see what your levels are. These are listed in the e-book.

Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012
Aqua Flora

Q: What is Aqua Flora? What are the ingredients? --Jennifer

A: Aqua Flora is a homeopathic non-active vibrational preparation of Candida Albicans 6C mixed with water. Homeopathy works on the principles of "like cures like" and that if you give an energetic substance that causes specific symptoms in a healthy person, it can cancel out those specific symptoms in a person that has those symptoms already. Homeopathy used to be the domanant form of medicine in Europe and the US before the advent of drugs. It is safe and non-toxic.