Can i eat onions, tomato paste, green beans etc.

I also noticed that some of the recipes in the cookbook use onions and tomato paste, which are not on the list of allowable items. Are they okay to use? I also like green beans, broccoli, cauliflower and summer squash. Are they allowable?


Dr. Kendra Pearsall


It depends on how much a purist you want to be. You can follow Simmeons strict guidelines. I do not suscribe to his rigid guidelines because they do not all make sense from a nutritional and biochemical perspective.
The HCG diet program is supposed to be low-carb during both the 500 calorie and low-starch phases with the exception of fruit. Onions and tomato paste have moderate carbs so I would not eat alot of these items. But I would give you a license to eat low-starch veggies that you listed. If you notice a plateau, go back to the strict guidelines and see if that helps.