Aroma Turbo Oven

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Patrice's picture
Joined: 18 Sep 2008

I just received my turbo oven and as I was looking through the manual I noticed on the page where it shows you where all the parts are that there is a heavy duty halogen heating element. On another page it says Halogen Convection Oven. Does this mean it uses infrared waves to cook the food? I know this is a real technical question. I read all of the information on Dr. Mercola's site and it just says that it uses circulating air to cook the food and doesn't go into specifics on the halogen heating element so I wasn't able to answer the question for myself. I even tried to google information and couldn't find anything on exactly what I was looking for. I found grills that used infrared cooking etc but nothing on the Aroma on whether it uses that method or not.
Can you help answer this question for me?

Colton_Swabb (not verified)
Colton_Swabb's picture
Halogen as Infrared

I do not know, but would like to find out. 

You've sparked my curiosity. 

Dr. Marci Scott's picture
Joined: 26 Oct 2007


I've looked at a couple of different resources concerning the safety of the Aroma Turbo Oven, and I haven't had much success yet in finding additional information on its safety record.

But I'll keep looking and post it here if I find out anything else.

Patrice's picture
Joined: 18 Sep 2008
Aroma Turbo Oven

I should have done this before asking you---
FYI: I called Mercola's customer service today and asked about the Turbo Oven and she said that it does not use infrared heating.