5 Great Reasons to post here

5 replies [Last post]
Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012

We want the Enlita Members to make friends and support each other while you make these significant changes in your life. So if you are new please post here to introduce yourself.

1) Make a grand introduction by posting your goals on this program

2) Ask for a buddy or propose a support group and invite others to join

3) Ask questions of other members for tips or suggestions on getting started

4) Share with others what your experience has been, what you've learned and how you can contribute to the community.

5) Pay it forward by offering to help others in need.

Jennifer_Jackson (not verified)
Jennifer_Jackson's picture
Thank you!

It's great to feel all the love and encouragement for all the newbies. Helps taking the first step more than you know! 

Jennifer_Jackson's picture
5 Great Reasons to post here

Welcome! Please remember we are always here to support you and help you achieve your goals!

Here is a list of the contraindications for HCG:
The first contra-indication is pregnancy.
Next would be any type of cancer.
Presence of large, uterine fibroids
Gallbladder colic: need to resolve dietary issues and stop the acute
gallbladder attacks first.
Heart disease - need to be stable and have clear ECG for three months prior
to treatment, and periodically during treatment, and obtain approval of
Presence of healing fractures - wait until healed to start. Fractures during
the program are handled on a case-by-case basis.

Are you considering trying the HCG? I will be getting mine in the mail soon.

Jennifer_Jackson's picture
I'm a Newbie & Need LOTS of Encouragement

Hi All....just joinned 2 weeks ago. THere's a ton of info. on this site, so someone has been working hard!! HAve health issues for a long time and I've learnned alot of this info. along the way BUT I HAVE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO STICK W/IT!! Joinning just behind the start of HCG group....& Detox. I was overwhelmed with where I was supppose to start but last night I reread the entire first 2 weeks of the program and made the decision that I need to do the 2Week Elimination Diet First! Especially as
I have never really quit all of my sensitive foods at the same time. For the last 3 months I've been following an ALCAT Test result, but even then I wasn't completely compliant (but the best I've ever been) My PCP wants me to rotate but that does seem close to impossible. And I'm so Carb addicted. I'll do well for 3-4 days and then I go nuts in the carbs. SOUND FAMILIAR?? AM looking at the info in week 3 on BRAIN CHEMISTRY and hoping there is something there that will get me over the edge and onto success. Would really appreciate any other suggestions on how to manage the stage of withdrawal.

1) Follow Week 1 of the Elimination Diet
2) Ask for support and HELP! in getting over the cravings and withdrawal(cuz that is what it really is)
3) Write down everything I eat
4) find out if there are any contraindications for taking HCG

Dr. Marci Scott's picture
Joined: 26 Oct 2007

Welcome Sylvie!

Thank you for sharing. Your goal to take charge of your health is exactly what this program can help you to do. I hope you obtain everything you are looking for and more from the Enlita program.

All the best!
Dr. Marci Scott

sylvie's picture
Joined: 2 Sep 2008

I'm a little shy (I 'm french and sometimes it may be a little difficult to express myself in english). but I'm so enthusiastic over this program that I decide to post my first message.
During the last months, I have regained all the weight lost with WW. (15 kgs) and I was not attracted to return because knowing Mercola ,Sally Fallon and Paul Pitchford for a long time, I knew a lot of things about allergies,diet, and so forth. I needed a structure, a program to help me practice what I have learned and to adapt with my profile.

My problem is action in the daily life for I feel very often tired and stressed,and cooking is not natural for me even if I enjoy it when I have time and feel motivated.
I'm just registered.I expect this program to nourish my motivation to go out of the vicious cercle (I'm tired so I don't take the time to nourish myself properly,and so I 'm ...tired...) :roll:

My goal is to take charge of my health ,to practice what I feel and know good for me and for my compagnon with the encouragements of others fellows on the same path.Thank you so much to be there...Sylvie
