Anti-aging info Teleomeres

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Dr. Kendra Pearsall's picture
Joined: 6 Jun 2012

Hi Kendra

Thank you for sharing Mr Ethan Foxx and his findings with us. He is so enlightening. He had mentioned the TA 65 from

I checked out the website. It looks interesting and I would like to try it.  I had a question for Ethan. If one was to go on that product do you have to continue for the remainder of your life or at somepoint are things “fixed” and you are able to come off the product. It seems pricey and I am a single Mom and not sure how I would swing it. I was also thinking of it for my parents. My Dad is suffering from Parkinsons but Mom is rather healthy.  They are over 70 which requires 4 pills a day to the tune of $2200 for 3 months for each of them.  Just wondering for them also if there is a point they could stop taking it.

Thanks again for the call last night, it really helps in the journey towards good health.

Best Regards,
